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….Good Prose

30 Jan

“Poverty is a state of mind, it’s also a dollar-denominated one.” More:

Ed Che’s State of the Country:


So, what’s going on with the banks?

25 Jan

How do I know my solutions are right? Because the others are not working!

Here’s what happened to the money:

Bills were printed. They were given to the banks. Then, the banks stole a lot of money. Net monetary contraction. The policy America needed anyways, given the scarcity of revenue. It was in net the right move for the Federal Reserve to contract the money supply thus– it kept a strong dollar in world Economies. In a perverse way of doing it, the net monetary contraction may lead to world peace.

The one thing I very much agree with Ron Paul is on the fact that military CANNOT overspend on funny money. It undermines world peace– both directly by there being more weapons available (more likely that someone is going to get shot) and use banks’ military-industrial economy method. Fuck that. The second way is that it inflates the money supply– dollar devalues. What this does is hurt everyone in the world who relies on the dollar. The backs we’ve built our empire on. Printing money hurts them economically in a consumerist system that they bought into… Economic History injustice.


A return to gold is one way that  we can stop a lot of the foolishness, or .. that the military can’t use the banks… occupy style. Is anonymous listening? Ron Paul is criticizing the banks… While serving in Congress during the late 1970s and early 1980s, Dr. Paul’s limited-government ideals were held in Washington.

He served on the House Banking committee, where he was a strong advocate for sound monetary policy and an outspoken critic of the Federal Reserve’s inflationary measures. He also was a key member of the Gold Commission, advocating a return to a gold standard for our currency. He was an unwavering advocate of pro-life and pro-family values. Dr. Paul consistently voted to lower or abolish federal taxes, spending, and regulation, and used his House seat to actively promote the return of government to its proper constitutional levels. In 1984, he voluntarily relinquished his House seat and returned to his medical practice.

Dr. Paul returned to Congress in 1997 to represent the 14th Congressional district of Texas. He serves on the House Financial Services Committee and the Foreign Affairs Committee.

I encourage you to see my training on this below, or two indexes.


Cain martial law war bill passes congress

12 Dec

Please act and forward — Obama must veto the bill!

This single act of peace would save countable people’s lives tomorrow morning– my friends here in the Bay area occupy! Just think, a day before the folks are going out there on the front lines, a war bill passes that can arbitrarily label people as terrorists; and detain them in Nazi-like “terrorist camps” with high walls indefinitely here in the US. Not conspiracy… check your law then call!

Office opens at 9AM tomorrow  ## 202-456-1111 ##

Nicole Foss Lecture

8 Feb

Hello everyone,
Today I wanted to reflect on a lecture that was held in Oberlin a few weeks ago. Featured was the travelling speaker and energy writer Nicole Foss. She worked on biogas and has a BSc. So I don’t have to re-invent the wheel, here’s a brief synopsis of her thesis: “Nicole believes that the depression will cause demand for energy to go down, creating further energy shortages and less and less economic growth.”

Peak oil (no longer increase production) causes the availability of a finite resource to go down, and a plateau and decline of the ability to produce it. prices to relatively skyrocket. It is a real deflation because everything seems more expensive, and a monetary inflation. Where is our energy going to come from? This is a collective emotional recession that we need to be prepared for! Notably from her presentation, this is not something that is adaptable, you no longer have a source.

1. What are the sources?
Cheap, easy sources are almost expired. See my other post where I actually have a picture of how an oil well stops up. However, you have to put back in more energy to harvest a single unit from these sources. We need about 10:1 energy return:investment for the same socio-economic complexity by her calculations. This is about what we have now. 5:1 means a real decline in the capacity to do work. A recession, even without finance.

Tar sands are expensive in money terms and energy, making them less “efficient” in net energy return on investment, and lay in national parks which is illegal, and destroys the water system in that area.
Coal is getting destroyed morally that we could even mine more of it. It is not just in burning it, but in it’s whole life cycle that it is harmful. If it were to replace oil… would require a thousand times more of it…
Nuclear, while feasible in China, is no longer feasible here because of regulation and the “NIMBY”‘s- “Not in my backyard!”. Very notably, nuclear fission is not compatible with any social upheaval– it requires a lot of different components going right in society. However, that’s the kind of energy quantities we’re talking about satisfying.
Natural gas … she said something about it but I do not know much about. It occurs with oil. Fracking is dangerous/evil.

Utility-scale renewables are a key innovation, which happen to also require a new grid and for society to reduce the amount of energy we need. It requires a lot of work (and.. government subsidy) in R&D before it is competitive in price/kw*H as the ones above. I even heard a dirty fuel exec on the radio support this policy.

Since energy is one of the main focuses of this blog, I will post the Huppert’s curve- where your peak is and a steep decline after. Oil production and in the future. Speaks for itself. We need to find an alternative soon, because the oil will run out.

2. My notes from the conclusion:
Mutually reinforcing virtuous circle of optimism.
Our markets: are food, the dollar, and emotion.
Since God is a force for good, faith will let me make the right decisions going forward.
Economy- Supply & Demand (not indicator), agricultural, value.

Is this a giant Y2K-type threat?
Could fusion save us?
Some technological innovation?
–> would just encourage our bad habits, inequality..
&& Q. Would the world still be a habitable one afterwards with climate change..

3. Recommendations: Move forward within the scope of what you can achieve… Continue reading

350 as an Inspiration

24 Oct

There’s so much going on, thanks to everyone who is working on this movement right now.
Keep the good times coming this October 24th, International Day of Climate Action.

Perhaps you’ve seen the news coming up in your feed, but find some Boston action here: is Beautiful today. An inspiration, truly.
Here’s the list of events going on in Boston:

There’s a new world order, and it works around the number 350. More than just a number, it’s the amount of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere that we need to achieve by the end of the century. It’s a challenging call to action, seeing as we’re already at 387. We need to stop emitting CO2, and start taking it out of the air in our farms and cities. Clean electricity is a solution, as is reducing the amount each of us use. Hopefully, all of us working on this will be enough to make a difference.

I feel today is an inspirational tipping point in a lot of ways. To the people who are working on the ground, ready to put themselves on the line; to the politicians who are talking about how much we need new legislation; to the economists and scientists who know it’s necessary; Thanks. To the reader thanks for reading, commenting, and sharing. Keep posted for more from around Boston!
-Eddie Miller
Boston University ’10