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Landlord’s Change of Heart

10 Mar

Note: possibility-based, y’all. So if you sail in that realm of possibility and want us to lead you out to a free world, then join us. 🙂

Along being front-lines with the Occupy experience, along with the crimes of wall street, has taught me the rhythm and ways of one of the worst crimes ever convicted upon humanity, that of real estate. Property ownership is a bad piece of financial alchemy, which created a double value of the land when settlers (colonizers) got here. Not only do you have the forested tierra that was there, which gives its value to you of open arms, but also the title deed to the area, which is property tradable – a double value. This title deed was fraudulent – stolen by a process of “discovery” set forth by the Papal bull, here: and in Johnson v. McIntosh:

Papal Bull native americans

I have been reading and it appears that land was stolen from people who had no concept of ownership. ./”The legalities of colonization appeared settled. Patent and possession sufficed, acquiring title to land by purchase from the Indians was not necessary”./


What happened was that private property became us, it allows you to build on and to improve. We have divided up nearly all of the country, and Capitalism’s raging bulls*** wall street death machine cannibalized our whole nation, continent before that alchemy. It would other planets, too.. and what we’re finding now is that folks from at least two generations are not attracted to that money, just the things that it gets them, if anything. We need to amend that shallow greed attached with ownership in order to progress. The approach and movement caters to houses and free apartments/condos. This can be living of the future, won’t you be a part?

How to engage, a large (the largest body of humanity ever in an online movement) portion of cities, urban and rural, into a new free system?

How about rent-to-own? huge:

and a form example

Let’s treat you as a human, getting beyond the addiction: A large movement has formed to give everyone the basics and soon advanced stuff as we gain larger cities. The providing of everything free benefits you the owner, too, though not as payment, as a human. Be like Mark Hesse, 52, who gave a building to Occupy Detroit:

“I don’t see any politicians doing what these kids are doing,” Hesse said. “They are sincere people who are frustrated. I wanted to help them.”

And so Hesse let Occupy Detroit use the building he owns on Michigan Avenue. This year, they cleaned up the place and turned it into a brightly colored and inviting space. (article)

Be a part, eg, source person is okay no rent. We are the 99%. From a way that was hazardous to our personal health, psychology, communities, and Earth, many are now choosing a way that is opposed to Capitalism; to motivate differently; many of us understand the why, so this site is to mark the quest from now such that anyone can get their utilities and basics made, and with a very simple tool and materials set.

Abolish the institution of rent. And/or get enough for your concerned self with a rent-to-own lease contract. (For apartments, how about 600/month -> 2500 own, with option to put it back in the pool any time.) Let’s do this together. Landlords’ Change of Heart.


Ed “ChĂ©” Miller

Absolutely incredible post: #github

17 Apr

How fucking cool is this????

Absolutely incredible post: #github

If you like it, follow me! Press “edit” on any one of the documents to propose which submits a “pull request” and also puts a copy to yours. If you don’t like it, don’t!

This is how democracy and progress could be made in a noncapitalist future, too . 😉

This being, fighting words…. #facebook

12 Apr

As soon as censorship starts, get ready for the alternative to be there quickly.

So what’s the plan, anons????

Evie McKnight, and StormSec also banned April, 2014

Simple links on doin’ it right.

30 Jan

Here on I’ve advocated for more people growing their own food, and farmers diversifying, for a long time. Now all the more relevant, let’s not use money. Food comes, it does, bread and pantry and community meals, and without using green paper, well, all these solutions once they are started are spread for free. I’m addicted to sugar & alcohol, the internet, coffee weed tobacco like all y’all. Manifest, free-cycle, barter, upcycle…. These links – keep up we will break capitalism.

Oyster Mushrooms in a Laundry Basket –

How to make your own Kombucha SCOBY – (anyone who keeps one will also give you one)

How to make sourdough starter -> sourdough beer (from flour and water, then barley malt though? Or apple wine….)

Grow your own sugar cane, from a single cutting.

& UPCYCLE WASTE! Big time. More pics coming soon.

Hello! A new garden for peace and Earth harmony.

29 May

Northwest Berkeley permanent farm campus:
and press release at constantcontact

And, another one kicking off soon in San Francisco, which would be balancing the above as a Free farm.

Capitalism and alternative. 5.13.2013. 99%.

13 May

Your best bet is to build an alternative that works without capitalism.

Capitalism and alternative.

Best outcome for the 99%.

Wall Street? I wouldn’t have my money there..

There are some of my thinking from a long time here which are, very relevant. Will it happen this way? No way. Should be quite different, and interesting.

1 May

Oakland, East Bay, I love you: says it correctly some of the frustrations I’ve had with the food system. See “The Monsanto Protection Act.”

Sheep Lawn Mowers, and Other Go-Getters

25 Nov

The original article below. My complete philosophy more on this blog.

November 2, 2011


IN this verdant lawn-filled college town, most people keep their lawn mowers tuned up by oiling the motor and sharpening the blades. Eddie Miller keeps his in shape with salt licks and shearing scissors.

Mr. Miller, 23, is the founder of Heritage Lawn Mowing, a company that rents out sheep — yes, sheep — as a landscaping aid. For a small fee, Mr. Miller, whose official job title is “shepherd,” brings his ovine squad to the yards of area homeowners, where the sheep spend anywhere from three hours to several days grazing on grass, weeds and dandelions.

The results, he said, are a win-win: the sheep eat free, saving him hundreds of dollars a month in food costs, and his clients get a freshly cut lawn, with none of the carbon emissions of a conventional gas-powered mower. (There are, of course, other emissions, which Mr. Miller said make for “all-natural fertilizer.”)

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Transition to a New System: Index

11 Nov

A. Problem: System of industrial agriculture is fatal to consumers, rivers and lakes, genetic diversity, wildlife, community. We must not replace patriotism about our country for greed of large-scale industrial farming.

The Economics of Low Price

Scathing letter from an agvocate

Obama has not helped organic farmers (Tumblr) (we have been penalized/ small farmers have not been helped/ however, these local and organic farmers are the hope for our future)

What we know about GMO (Tumblr)

Glyphosate (Roundup)

—  Leafy green problems , “natural” problems, Raw food raids

Sustainability (lack of)

B. Organic agriculture was fastest growing sector, why? It’s entrepreneurial spirit, optimism, timely, news.

What I am thinking is, Farm Economy

Guest blogger Amanda Garant: A Farmer for Always

Corn Planting around the corner: A Different Option for Farmers

Organic is Modern

C. But we must go beyond the USDA certification to save small farming, the wilderness, and our wildlife. We must conquer a mechanistic and reductionist worldview, to understand that our food decision creates our children’s future.

Wendell Berry: ‘Soil is not usually lost in slabs or heaps of magnificent tonnage. It is lost a little at a time over millions of acres by careless acts
of millions of people. It cannot be solved by heroic feats of gigantic technology, but only by millions of small acts and restraints.’

Response to @TheFarmersLife, High Tech Ag is Not Natural

The need for “99% Sustainability:” John Jeavons and Ecology Action

Some goals for the food movement to work with (global perspective, morals..)

— Parks, Ecology, Business

— Elk Migration Routes, and a Permaculture-Ecology Project

How the Amish React to New Technology

Government, Scientific, Technology adaptations for development (From the IAASTD)

D. Posit a new system. Method:

“Anarganic” norms for the twenty-first century

The #Organic Pages

Beyond Organic

E. And ask them for seeds. Cook and grow your own food.

(Some of my favorite recipes: butternut squash, egg torta, best cornbread)

The #Organic Pages

4 Oct

Organic strategy and development:

The best practices for sustainable management in the US can be found here: at Attra, National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT).

Rodale results from a 30-year field trial show that organic farming is more profitable, higher yielding, better carbon increase, better economics, better health, soil, and fits the “big picture” of a sustainable world. 

A certification standard to grow your crops or garden by is the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM). These practices comply with the USDA standards people complain about, and let you sell internationally. They are also better to read, and are democratically agreed-upon:  *A summary of these certification norms can be found in an earlier post: Anarganic certification for the twenty-first century.

*In the USA Your state department of agriculture will help you certify if they’re accredited. In Ohio the best best organization for you to go into is OEFFA, the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association. Producer fees start at $705. Yearly inspection starts at $300. Certification is mandatory for a farm with organic sales over $5000.  There’s a full list of accredited certifiers here who will help you. Give one a call…

Your market can be a farmer’s market, but only after securing your direct contracts for selling to restaurants, schools, natural food stores, grocery. (If it is to pay returns to your time). For the latter scale, I recommend selling your certified produce through, anywhere in the world… they do certifications too.

— Michael Pollan on 10/1/2011, consumers’ questions answered:

Getting experience. My guide is the result of one and a half years in organic gardening. If you read it, you will be able to start growing your own product and selling it. It covers food safety, backyard and community gardening how-to, and arranging direct sales. There’s plenty of ways to start growing things 🙂 As special blog readers I bring you: Eddie’s guide 9-27, look for updates 🙂

Agroecology and the Right to Food : “Agroecological farming methods could double global food production in just 10 years, according to a report from the United Nations.” This one, describing results from the literature and making a recommendation to #public #policy. It’s a recommendation to the UN. :

Agricultural carbon sequestration has the potential to substantially mitigate global warming impacts.

Organic for development I do not pretend to know yet, and cannot generalize across all microclimates. It seems that if the small farmer does not have access to tractor or horse, cultivating field crops by hand will not bring high returns on labor; so they would be better off with a crop with little weed management like tree crops, or a high-value crop like vegetables. It seems also that a balance between providing a diverse diet and some cash crop must be maintained on most farms. For low-income, few production implement, small-acreage farmers, intensive monoculture is not preferable, which is an uncertain market which requires service costs higher than the farmer’s return to labor. Only after information has been gathered and understood can an analyst plan appropriate changes in a farming system. Farm development is not synonymous with commercialization, increased income, amounts of cash inputs, or farmer participation in credit programs because more cash flow across the farm boundary does not necessarily indicate increased farm productivity and family well-being. These insights, and others, are partially based off of a great book, Small Farm Development.

The Rodale New Farm is beautiful.

Other studies from Rodale:

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