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Enough of stuff, free city: The Ecology of Things

30 Oct

Ecology of things – Enough of Stuff!

There are a lot of good drawings and ideas, mostly really cheap and found items, which comprise a, set of technology as it were that has the power to free homes. Supposedly there are more coming, too. The technology’s only half of it, there is a better interface that bring into a whole alternative, as well. Still working on the electricity, but these alternative systems that are the basics comprising a flourishing alternative lifestyle are heat, cooking with small sticks, electric and inverter (or 110V A.C. potentially from atmospheric?), gather eg, alternative work, cell phone free cell phone, meal eg. food, things like school supplies, electronics, audio, straw, toiletries eg whatever (see community supply mechanism). A community can provide these things as well as it’s mostly all in existence already; this is a transitionary post towards a place where I feel like we all know is going.

A house can be freed, as a cash-out or build-out of its responsibilities. Those with a newspaper or a publishing house, those with an NGO, a trade union, retirees, a university department with dozens of these heirs, can flood the bookstores, the airwaves, even cyberspace with their ideas. When activists from the trade unions, the antiwar movement, the organizations of the landless, the fighters against the threats posed by climate change and the rapid reduction of biodiversity sense the need for action, then continuing modern playground games will not do. When factories are closing all over, when minimum wage constitutes slavery conditions in the USA, when sweatshops are wearing out their young workforces in a few years for less than a dollar a day as we go more in debt, and we don’t WANT all that again? A cess pool of a legal system has made it nearly impossible to talk about the issue, tons of stupid money is spent on non-issue what could have been carried to a tribal council, natural law grand jury, or queen(?) to have a decision that isn’t even money based. When hospitals, schools, public transport, electricity and water supply are free, with work aspirational and voluntary?

Welcome to the participation of mass organizations of the working class, which have the potential to mobilize millions into decisive action against the system. At this point in time, an enormous, uncoordinated (or “decentralized bureaucracy,” if you believe in Anonymous) world-wide effort is underway to implement an unprecedented reset of the economic system. Economics is like the ecology of interaction, different from capitalism which is based on pursuit of profit, private property, and inequality of wealth. Actually incentivizing greed. Rather, what if everything you did as a voluntary service to the person you had in mind? All industry and manufacturing are supported in all possible ways to deliver the abundance of all things to all people. The institution of rent is abolished. Community would still form, and an inclusion amongst the groups which you already participate. Interface upgrade delivers things to where they need to be, be a driver and see the country, give food, or re-distribute it. Most “things” offer a diminishing enjoyment, so we could expect a matching about +.5 in the revaluation. Any existing bureaucracy who should happen to see this post should visit an upcoming post, guide to current government leaders. Which will be realistic as well. I am happy to do this as with all my work as it’s my capability and able-bodiedness.

Evolution Code:
A Robot – should be mining, clean 🙂

Design the farm,
Design the diner. Reduce seasonality perhaps with a greenhouse, as some won’t go for.

Free ecology? Incentivize with food.
Not against anyone, re-assuring and nice.
I feel like Paul, the letter writer to the different online nations. You know he walked for ages amongst people even as he was telling them they were doing it wrong.

Don’t be thinking against, or thinking wrong, help build and as we figure it out- with an emergence model of social change. Success models highly seeked, as we change our country with the eagle soaring well, and others as well. Let’s take the signs that are being given us, avoid an international catastrophe, and stop from destroying other planets, as well. Take a clue, learn from nature. You’ll know what you have to do and, yes, if you have money currently where to put it. As they go, this is a pretty good guide: Freedom vocabulary, and existing infrastructure can start it. Hope you guys enjoyed the post of ecology of things, we could use most people of ability preparing the ground.

Unity is the feasible thing that we can do right now. I hope that everyone will support (and share?) as our movement goes into this next technical phase, hope I’ve included everyone, that we basically get a great evolution that gets better as it goes onward! Be for the free movement, let’s change our ways. Paradigm shift.

Sincerely, Ed “ChĂ©.” (Cuba, the one they won, right?)

Capitalism and alternative. 5.13.2013. 99%.

13 May

Your best bet is to build an alternative that works without capitalism.

Capitalism and alternative.

Best outcome for the 99%.

Wall Street? I wouldn’t have my money there..

There are some of my thinking from a long time here which are, very relevant. Will it happen this way? No way. Should be quite different, and interesting.

I am…

30 Aug

An assistant mechanic and assistant cook.
A farm student.
In it for making money, eventually.
Leading edge progressive moderate.
Looking for the next thing.


I’d say…

Decent understanding of farm economics + politics.

Not a hustler.

An okay Starcraft2 player.

Small creative acts= funny?

Self-made man. free will.

Online: Linkedin: Professional Pattern Detector

Machine: Words are nuts and bolts.

Blog- – tools to build A Global Organic Mindset

From a “Still Skeptical” post: Founding a Business

10 Jun

Check the date! This post was written over two years ago, in fact almost three. In it I outline accurately plans I still have to this day.

Founding a Business
I have been thinking a lot lately about the plan of what I want to do after college. And things may be coming together quite interestingly. There are big changes happening in agriculture, especially toward sustainable farming. Some ideas I have:

Found a non-loss, non-dividend Social Business.
Goal: Get organic into the lives of all rural families living below the poverty line for self-sufficiency and empowerment.
2. Market and sell organic produce in the US to ensure that small producers always have an outlet for excess production.
3. Research and disseminate best techniques for high-yield organic small farms.

Dealing in: high yield, direct trade, commercial organic fruits, vegetables, commodities, and herbs: banana, pineapple, cotton, corn, coffee, sugar cane, plantain, cocoa, dairy, livestock, name (root), noni (experimental), oregano, basil, etc.

Direct Trade: Microsupply/Microdemand.
Imagine buying a pack of bananas (organic and directly benefitting farmers and the environment, etc), from 4 different farms (individual farmer here could== coop region) in different regions/countries/local varieties. Say that bananas are not a uniform taste, as the clone seeds are—designed to be big and yellow on the outside and distributed by a single company. But organic actually taste better. How much better? You decide. Vote thumbs up or thumbs down on our website to let us know for each one, and look for your favorite in singles next time you go to the supermarket.
–> Some types sell out quicker and are higher rated… stores notice and request more from that farmer. Farmer can produce more funded by higher price. Exceptional examples could hit a “genetic jackpot” and maintain exclusive or sell seed.
–> Range of sticker prices based on ratings, with the best taste costing more and the low-range still a few cents higher than standard quality plantation banana.
–> Would give local farmers incentive to experiment, they may strike it rich! Would lend itself to organic non-gm farming, which already represents a large benefit to family ownership/livelihoods. With many small plots, could even find out what your farm is best at producing by rating against other small farmers.
–> New market for seeds can be grassroots-based in constant evolution and locally variant. Microsupply, microdemand for seed market as well driven by the larger research farms.

How? The internet can manage this quantity of data!

Local Campaign:
-With organic farms can do Community Shared Agriculture shares to benefit from added diversity of production, for any size farm even those that can’t make it international.
-Uncertified organic “gardens” can be grown in backyard for family or market, if seed is made available that doesn’t need fertilizers or pesticides. Reduce dependence on (costly, external) food and boost family income.
-“Preserve your environment and stand up for your livelihood because their economics is not working.” Support local farmers. Support organic. Organize and lobby for fair laws (while using the existing ones)
-Once you’re big enough, join your local coop for shared investments and shipments. Coops can work with us for finding buyers, brokering deals, farmer education, flyers etc.

Scattered, and still some things to work out, but well on the way to becoming the material and flesh of venture capital. Just need a team of impassioned individuals– consider this an invitation to ask more.

Posted by HP at 9:40 PM

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IFAD’s Cape Town meeting – presenting the Rural Poverty Report 2011

25 May #rpr2011 #ifad #agchat
IFAD’s Cape Town meeting – presenting the Rural Poverty Report 2011

Biogas makes people not poor! For lights and cooking. These cost $260 to make, the Chinese government pays half.. See biodigestors in action in China.. a new socialist village: environmentally sustainable, socially harmonious. Anything done by small farmers in China makes a huge impact overall.. Over 8 million animals accounted for in that rural sector of the world. The scope of it blows my mind. There are fantastic testimonials and a good name behind it, IFAD ( OECD development pages. #energy @OECDlive

…as long as fiscal tightening is recommended unemployment will hardly stop. The consumerism is sloppy if we don’t back our currency (US$) with real production. Instead of encouraging fiscal tightening, developed countries should thus encourage new routes to develop production markets. Vegetables, for one. Vegetables ship well at 1 and 1/8 bushel crates, can be made plentifully here in the United States, and are in global demand. Organic vegetables are another step that many farmers may want to take that ensures them a local market. Small industry, for another. Many of the parts that support small agriculture are freely available laying around the ruins of a former industrial tower.. Factories are now scrap-yards ready to make a new Economy. The industrial park, and JVS and small workshops, should not be left out of our #economic solution.

Small agriculture is doing much better this year in the United States than large monoculture farms. A wet Spring has most farmers behind already. The price of corn internationally is shown in a chart below:

Please consider what a dependence on cheap corn will mean if corn does badly this year, for the whole world we export grain to. The United States for it’s irresponsibility has left the world open to more food insecurity, even without the oil factor, from a bad season in Northern Ohio and the Central states. #Midwest, #Corn, #Sustainable. Meanwhile, at the organic farm we have 36 crops already and are busy every day. Most monoculture farms are big fields and nothing is planted yet. I find comfort knowing that my job every day provides food for Northern Ohio’s good and neediest families to eat a fresh variety of foods at a dependable price. #agchat

From the IAASTD, Scientific and Policy Vocabulary of What I Want to Do

18 May

Findings: IAASTD Summary for Decision Makers of the Global Report

16. Innovative institutional arrangements are essential to the successful design and adoption of ecologically and socially sustainable agricultural systems.
Sustainable agricultural production is more likely when legal frameworks and forms of association provide secure access to credit, markets, land and water for individuals and communities with modest resources. Creating market-based opportunities for processing and commercializing agricultural products that ensure a fair share of value addition for smallscale producers and rural laborers is critical to meeting development and sustainability goals.

17. Opening national agricultural markets to international competition can offer economic benefits, but can lead to long term negative effects on poverty alleviation, food security and the environment without
basic national institutions and infrastructure being in place.

20. Both public and private sectors can help advance development and sustainability goals.
Increased investments in AKST, particularly if complemented by supporting investments in rural development (for example, infrastructure, telecommunications and processing facilities) can have high economic rates of return and reduce poverty. AKST investments also generate environmental, social, health, and cultural impacts.

22. Achieving sustainability and development goals will involve creating space for diverse voices and perspectives and a multiplicity of scientifically well-founded options, through, for example, the inclusion of social scientists in policy and practice of AKST helps direct and focus public and private research, extension and education on such goals.
Some interpretations have been privileged over others and have helped push formal AKST along certain pathways, to the neglect of other scientifically sound options. Some of the by-passed options originate in traditional knowledge or civil society experience and may be better able to contribute to poverty reduction, social inclusion, equity and generate multifunctional outcomes.


23 Dec

Edward Miller | Quality leadership | “A Global Organic Mindset”

Seeker, planner, collaborative visionary.
Last Post, Connect now.
Work profile:

I am working on reforming my online media distribution profile. This page will be the focus, please stay in touch! Eddie’s new page!

Please, take your time and browse.

Blog Categories Table of Contents:

Economic Recessions– 12/22/2009
The Next Globalization is Local– 12/19/2009
Ecological Economics, the Science of Sustainability-3/8/2009
Echoing Green and Social Entrepreneurship-2/23/2009
Agricultural Trade Doesn’t work for Poor People-12/09/2008
Plan, and Structure (Original Post)-
Transition– 11/6/2008

“Tell Me About Your Home” Maximus of Gladiator – 12/17/2009
Paul Farmer, Haitian Doctor for the Poor– 12/7/2009
Let’s be Thankful– 11/23/2009
From Thoreau, a Business Mentality– 11/16/2009
Food and Climate Change-10/3/2009
The Community Reality-6/11/2009
Julio– 4/28/2009
International Assessment on Agricultural Knowledge, Science, Technology and Sustainability (IAASTD Paper)– 12/12/2008
The Organic Development Paradox-11/03/2008 *Over a year ago and still actually one of my best posts*
New Entry Sustainable Farming on Twitter-(Current)

Climate Change and the Environment
MAPSBLOG: The Day Copenhagen Failed– 12/18/2009
MAPSBLOG: I support Tradeable Emissions Permits for Greenhouse Gasses– 11/29/2009
350 for the Economy– 11/21/2009
MAPSBLOG What Could have Been: Uniting Diverse Groups for Social Change.-10/29/2009
October 24th post: 350 as an Inspiration– 10/24/2009
Reconnect with your Greenfire
Awakening the Dreamer-10/27/2008
StepItUp09 on Twitter (Current)

Experiences, Journal
“A Million Little Pieces”-12/01/2009
My Life at Small Planet-10/02/2009
If I was..-9/15/2009
Back in Boston– 9/08/2009
“A Different Perspective: Participatory Action Research”-6/7/2009
Anda Tranquilo: Nicaragua-3/27/2009
Into the Wild (Weekend Away with Nietzche)-3/14/2009
My “intellectual” Baggage was Stolen!-2/23/2009
“Culture Shock”-2/8/2009
In Defense of the Word.-12/17/2008
A Day in the Life– 12/09/2008
On Exploring10/25/2008

Group-led versus revolutionary change– 11/10/2009
Visions of a New Moral– 10/10/2009
If I Were an Anthropologist..-6/29/2009
Paulo Coehlo: Ser como el Rio Que Fluye
Cultivate a Worldview!
Change to the Masses (!)
Reconnect with your Greenfire
Enough of What’s Wrong-11/19/2008
My Reactions to Change, the Election, and Barack Obama– 11/6/2009
Bioneers, Humans and Development10/26/2009

PERMALINK TO THIS POST: Please, take your time and share your favorites.

Eddie on Twitter:
Eddie’s new page: ???

Paul Farmer, Haitian Doctor for the Poor

7 Dec

From his (great) biography, Mountains Beyond Mountains, the character of Paul Farmer:
“Ophelia thought that Paul had a fairly complex personality, built of oppositions — a need for frenzied activity that verged, she though, on desperation, and a towering self-confidence oddly combined with a hunger for affirmation. She thought she understood; he took on more than he could fix, so of course he wanted reassurance. And yet he also seemed “terribly simple.” She thought he had never experienced true depression, a freedom so enviable she almost resented it. It was as if in seeking out suffering in some of the world’s most desperate locales, he made himself immune to the self-consuming varieties of psychic pain. He’d told me back in Haiti, I may be a more sunny, cheerful person than you. No one believes that I’m cheerful because of what I say and write, but I only say and write those things because they’re true.” He was often sad, of course, but it didn’t take much to cheer him up.”

Paul Farmer has affected change in thousands, and prevented probably over a million deaths in his work with Multiple-drug-resistant Tuberculosis, mainly in the poorest areas.
Questions to think about:
1. Is the quest for perfection always a good thing? What negative character consequences do leaders sacrifice in order to solve immense problems bigger than themselves?
2. If you were [Paul Farmer, Brett Farve, Che Guevara, Indira Ghandi] and had the chance, would you jump off the treadmill? or Be at the top of your game in an international world-scene, even if it necessitates being stressed and demanded under the eyes of a million people?
3. Would you write your own biography? (or press releases..) Or let someone like Tracy Kidder follow to represent your legacy in print? What are some advantages and disadvantages to either way?

-Eddie Miller
BU ’10

SO242 students, chime in!
Systems Change Visionary

Food and Climate Change

3 Oct

The most interesting area in my line of research that’s been occurring recently is the link between Climate and Food. This is actually the main direction of Anna Lappe’s Organization, Take a Bite, and has been a subject of my former work in the US and Costa Rica (See some of my work on the subject: Coffee and Carbon Footprint of Farms, Life Cycle abstract). It’s something that I’ve been working on for a long period, and is finally coming into it’s element.

To summarize, we worry about climate change because it affects thee well-being of people and wildlife. Solutions based on alternative energy, carbon storage and capture, etc. can prevent climate change, but it cannot provide immediate relief to the poor or habitat for the displaced wildlife. Sustainable land management, on the other hand, directly solves the emissions aspect of climate change, while incentivizes good care for the environment.

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If I were an Anthropologist…

29 Jun

I would probably come study Cartago

Originally passing through for motorcycle repair, gas, and to see the church, I ended up staying the night when I met a mechanic who offered me passage for the night. What I found was a pleasant city almost devoid of alcohol or bad influence.

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