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Tribal Paradigm: lifestyle

25 Jun

Hi there!

In the emergence of a new paradigm which works for and elevates the human condition, we can adapt new modes and models to help understand humanity deeper and better. Once established, the model will easily fit most anyone who comes into it, and other methods (such as key-giving) could be used to deeper incorporate the people who show promise. These interface procedures deepen trust at the level of community. Deanne Bednar, of Strawbale Studio, said she likes to think of what did they do at the village and tribe, and how can we get closer to that. We are the generations dissatisfied with this myth of progress. We know the truth of history and the history of money. [link] Let’s come together and make a better system. Straight up.

Work Camp – it’s like, someone gives you a cigarette or a few afterwards.

It’s time to re-form our brain and do things for the other in clear places that are designated for work. Things like quality and time will be accounted for, and that’s righteous. Skilled craftspeople are held pretty highly in society.

There is no need for money in this society. We are in urban Detroit, where over 40% were unemployed before the revolution. Now, they are being led to freedom. I have been amazed at the spirit of ubuntu generosity I have experienced from everyone here already. If anything is to be made, it is right now made out of recycle stream, and soon when we capture a mine to be added as we can produce from source. Gas money. The steel for example is used to make sheets, for the HHO cells which free farmers for more quantity and variety, and to make secondary products via our bodega institute. Wood is all over the city which we can deconstruct houses for. Opening up houses can be good alternative work, or vocation. The land is free as the mother gave it, if there’s a building on it well, then someone might have just claim to that. For anyone in this labor force, it’s making the things that we want.

Free Camp – pizza recipe: bread, sauce, and oil. Satisfies the craving.

Gardening Camp – go there during the day, do a lot of stuff, gets a bag of weed.

Think about a new institute. This could do as many things as it wants to, as is manageable, and could be added to or removed from as demand goes. They want you to grow things. If you agree to voluntarily grow something for society, then you’ll be gifted the seeds and tools, and people will come help you set up.

Camp Corporate – would like a vodka drink of choice or bar environment

Advanced manufactured things are made in different shops around the city, to order, from the available institutes. As more things are freed across Michigan, we expect that more things will be made. If it’s something that comes from growing, let’s take up growing that thing in our greenhouses. Things that come in from outside are donated, are in-kind. Furthermore, membership includes free everything that anyone else makes. Note: you’ll have a free house with no bills, as well. Then we’ll get to the free store, as in the vision.

Village apprenticeships

Different shops are around to apprentice at, and creativity combines different requests, essential oils, and gets seeds ready. City government would provide all the necessary tools for your trade, in the meantime we use hackerspaces and the makerspace like the George Washington Library in Chicago. Education is passed on from wisdom that elders have learned, and they want something to do well that is take up teaching other kids in the neighborhood. We will have transitioned up to 4 schools in Eastern detroit which were shut down when there was no money, and now with the city’s permission they do not use money nor train people for a society with it.

Space Age Free Future: One in which no currency is used, rather the full spectrum of humanity is known in those that you would deal with or know and love.

Institutes for the Future

Visit Fireweed

Ed Che on Twitter

Alternative Vocation

The Ten Thrival Guidelines or Commandments – Tips for Living

8 Jun

Ten tips for living in a permaculture environment, from “The Integral Urban House,” book at a special commons space library!

  1. Thou shalt honor the mystery and subtlety of the universe which brought forth the ecosystem which is thy source; and recognize that its design exceeds the crude capacity of thy mind.
  2. Thou shalt not compartmentalize the ecosystem or assume that by knowing a part thou understands the whole.
  3. Thou shalt resist the narrowing of thy appreciation of the whole system by the preoccupations of thy work.
  4. Honor all experiences. Don’t perpetuate their mistakes. Respect the integrity of information.
  5. Thou shalt not reduce the information of the biosphere through extermination of species, destruction of unique configurations, or significant individual organisms.
  6. Thou shalt not take from the ecosystem more than is consistent with its continual well-being. The energy and materials that flow through you are a temporary privilege providing opportunities for reasonable self-expression.
  7. Thou shalt not divert more energy, material or space to the human species than is consistent with the continued health of the biosphere. Thou shalt not waste energy, materials, or information.
  8. Thou shalt not spread false information. Thou shalt not pervert information to enhance profit or status.
  9. Do not exchange your best understanding of how things work for cheap social concensus.
  10. Look to thyself and thy surroundings. Do not try to be anyone else. Respect for self and nature have a common root.

Hope this helps! Has passed through a few of us and we’re like, yeah good!

We’ll Get There

7 Apr

We are the ones the underdogs ready to take on the mantle of a new society; happily folks are starting to wake up though to the facts: that things are not our whole utility, purpose and happiness as people really, is for the others :). With that assumption gone, the truth is that the established structure crumbles.

It becomes a matter of how to get things from A->B, and that’s something that we do every day. We gotta get on the same page; and so that is, what’s been called a free world renaissance, involves process as much as content, trying to be more matriarchal and less dominated. Many of us believing that yeah, this will probably be the method of the future. If you think this would be worse for the environment, just ask or consider anyone who’s lived free already.

I pasted two people’s comments and a page together, is all. Now this is a nice direction of where we could go:

Here is Changing the World – #Freemovement

and it builds in us as we spread the word (world?). If you have any comments, leave them! If this doesn’t work with you for any reason, please let me know! Otherwise, you can share from the buttons there.

Spreading the word about a free world will not lead us to a transition, spreading the word IS the transition. We are already in it. All we need is a sufficient will of the people to bring about the necessary changes. A figure as low as 1% of the world’s population may even be enough to start an unstoppable chain-reaction, but how it actually unfolds is anyone’s guess!

Here’s the “Bulletin” I made up while at home to simply get our heads in the right place as we are going through this, for March: . We all are working on this in our heads, could we just get rid of the money?

We are the ones that are to inherit this, and make the new way to do everything. Matriarchal: yeah love-based instead let’s get rid of the money. I had a BA, but have seen a lot of humanity along the way. Happy to do something like this, and try to do it as a best possible path and yeah, ❤

Ed “Che” Miller.

How Would This Work?

11 Jan

The Free World Institute CC: NC-BY-SA





Institute Final Infographic. CC:NC:BY:SA

Institute Final Infographic. CC:NC:BY:SA

Together, we eliminate concept of money in society. <3. Very beautiful.

Existing Institutes, ironically, may fit well: to help out in world free world transition/human revolution?

If this is a good idea, then….

3 Dec

Then there will have to be some new concepts introduced to humanity.

Do: read my last blog post, has a really good presentation.

We are to be a part of the making of everything free: this has become apparent through interactions and the nightmare system we have now. Indeed, even visitors from Chicago had said that we’re not talking about being in this crummy system for long. If many would favor a switch, to one whereby needs are met, and it works? That is what I am sensing at this critical turning point.

In the rebellion. That is, we don’t really want that system. Generations 20-38 don’t really want to be reduced to some kind of money-based work slavery which serves only the shallow interactions of over the counter. A self-serving system leads to only the privileged having access to many or certain things. Why not make things for that individual? We work for each other. Welcome to the revolution.

If any are uncertain, the neutral body mass of the United States waiting for more evidence, I agree. In the experience of visionaries, we would publish at 75% baked, whereby the foundation (of capitalism is debased) is set and a few pillars. The guiding way, mainly involves being yourself, and some parameters and things that we all know by now. This foundation is accurately portrayed on my blog, two blog posts ago. The remaining %-age comes from participation of the civil and volunteer society of humanity. Link to twitter farmers, the emergence of these idea and drawings, unity of the people, new technology which frees houses, and “where you are” type thinking, and I posit that a large portion of people can exist in a new society whereby needs of all are met, and “things” are available just a call or distance away.

A society thus oriented towards the environment and ecological models rather than the destroy-all-growth-mandate of the past, will be much better for the planet that we live on. While this new human organism will take up space and more of it, the interaction with the forest for production is not destructive.
Get ready and, if you have a way or calling or new way to do things or free business model, bring them back to the hive, the long-appreciated anon-miss freedom nexus, in a new location.:

See you there! I love and appreciate that someone will come and visit my blog even on an off-day. This is enough for now.

Enough of stuff, free city: The Ecology of Things

30 Oct

Ecology of things – Enough of Stuff!

There are a lot of good drawings and ideas, mostly really cheap and found items, which comprise a, set of technology as it were that has the power to free homes. Supposedly there are more coming, too. The technology’s only half of it, there is a better interface that bring into a whole alternative, as well. Still working on the electricity, but these alternative systems that are the basics comprising a flourishing alternative lifestyle are heat, cooking with small sticks, electric and inverter (or 110V A.C. potentially from atmospheric?), gather eg, alternative work, cell phone free cell phone, meal eg. food, things like school supplies, electronics, audio, straw, toiletries eg whatever (see community supply mechanism). A community can provide these things as well as it’s mostly all in existence already; this is a transitionary post towards a place where I feel like we all know is going.

A house can be freed, as a cash-out or build-out of its responsibilities. Those with a newspaper or a publishing house, those with an NGO, a trade union, retirees, a university department with dozens of these heirs, can flood the bookstores, the airwaves, even cyberspace with their ideas. When activists from the trade unions, the antiwar movement, the organizations of the landless, the fighters against the threats posed by climate change and the rapid reduction of biodiversity sense the need for action, then continuing modern playground games will not do. When factories are closing all over, when minimum wage constitutes slavery conditions in the USA, when sweatshops are wearing out their young workforces in a few years for less than a dollar a day as we go more in debt, and we don’t WANT all that again? A cess pool of a legal system has made it nearly impossible to talk about the issue, tons of stupid money is spent on non-issue what could have been carried to a tribal council, natural law grand jury, or queen(?) to have a decision that isn’t even money based. When hospitals, schools, public transport, electricity and water supply are free, with work aspirational and voluntary?

Welcome to the participation of mass organizations of the working class, which have the potential to mobilize millions into decisive action against the system. At this point in time, an enormous, uncoordinated (or “decentralized bureaucracy,” if you believe in Anonymous) world-wide effort is underway to implement an unprecedented reset of the economic system. Economics is like the ecology of interaction, different from capitalism which is based on pursuit of profit, private property, and inequality of wealth. Actually incentivizing greed. Rather, what if everything you did as a voluntary service to the person you had in mind? All industry and manufacturing are supported in all possible ways to deliver the abundance of all things to all people. The institution of rent is abolished. Community would still form, and an inclusion amongst the groups which you already participate. Interface upgrade delivers things to where they need to be, be a driver and see the country, give food, or re-distribute it. Most “things” offer a diminishing enjoyment, so we could expect a matching about +.5 in the revaluation. Any existing bureaucracy who should happen to see this post should visit an upcoming post, guide to current government leaders. Which will be realistic as well. I am happy to do this as with all my work as it’s my capability and able-bodiedness.

Evolution Code:
A Robot – should be mining, clean 🙂

Design the farm,
Design the diner. Reduce seasonality perhaps with a greenhouse, as some won’t go for.

Free ecology? Incentivize with food.
Not against anyone, re-assuring and nice.
I feel like Paul, the letter writer to the different online nations. You know he walked for ages amongst people even as he was telling them they were doing it wrong.

Don’t be thinking against, or thinking wrong, help build and as we figure it out- with an emergence model of social change. Success models highly seeked, as we change our country with the eagle soaring well, and others as well. Let’s take the signs that are being given us, avoid an international catastrophe, and stop from destroying other planets, as well. Take a clue, learn from nature. You’ll know what you have to do and, yes, if you have money currently where to put it. As they go, this is a pretty good guide: Freedom vocabulary, and existing infrastructure can start it. Hope you guys enjoyed the post of ecology of things, we could use most people of ability preparing the ground.

Unity is the feasible thing that we can do right now. I hope that everyone will support (and share?) as our movement goes into this next technical phase, hope I’ve included everyone, that we basically get a great evolution that gets better as it goes onward! Be for the free movement, let’s change our ways. Paradigm shift.

Sincerely, Ed “Ché.” (Cuba, the one they won, right?)

Free Future, With the Comforts ~ Blog Post.

14 Oct

A free future needn’t be one of hardships, or of lower quality. Interface matching people up for things happens at (0,0) supply and demand, and so we basically expect that. A gift community store tries to stock well all products of all varieties, with most stuff made free and custom to order, as well. Craft is put into these objects, as they will be used for a long time. “Things” that currently exist are cycled into the free machine, and each of these artisan producers or factories is gifted with the tools/things to succeed at what they choose to do.

Take initiative! If pile of sticks has to be moved from A to B and someone leaves it at “not yet there,”& you’re walking don’t leave it for someone else to do! Begin by wiping your own behind, but thereafter society/community will offer you opportunities in a way never before experienced.

Freedom becomes us. It’s porch time with the family, friends, hike in the woods smoking whatever, just as much as it’s fast cars run on electricity to find your niche or scratch your itch at the time. Let’s take some time, America, to get adjusted. There is no money necessary in this society.

To get food where it should be, there are like a thousand means. Pantry/USDA system is great, so is the mobile refrigerated trucks. Perhaps former Cargill/DuPont and the others would move the hemp for free. Goods grown frequently enough an interval and, anyone would (you) just have to grow them.

With robots on the mining and production 😉

A few pointers: first on constructing metro downtown interfaces. To have free food is a motivator for. There can be meals, pantries, and other things to go by which attract people to where they need to be, and incentivize, if they are trying to support a family still.

To metro utility companies – your services are appreciated. Any current monies should reduce that maintenence cost of running it, and innovate that way to get free. A special truck, etc, or tool is appreciated by a phone call.

Finally, farmers wanted. What do you like so much that you want to make sure everyone has it? It’s so lovely and such a different construction, that I would absolutely love to live on a farm like this. If you need anything else, just call. Food’s available.. restaurants and other things, too.

What’s to do? Lots of things! Join by interface: in volunteer at a place if you want to.
Take up the setup of systems which are self reliant, for another.
Take up urban farming – this will seriously teach you more than almost anything else.
Live free and advocate for it! If you’re “in,” then politicians eventually don’t stand a chance. Let’s evolve the human race!


Capitalism is the Problem

22 Apr

A post by Ed Che.

Please re-share this if you like it!!!! Sometimes these ideas are big and they go into the consciousness but they don’t get read and interpreted, so a primary note please like or share the url! Thanks.

This post will attempt to prove that the errors of humanity’s history so far are systemic, the direct cause of which being capitalism; the financing and then pursuit of a bottom line of money. This system is at first a disconnect, from the living within the means of, nature around us. With the introduction of capitalism, the indigenous were systemically incentivized to hunt more beavers, to please the fashion in Europe. Rather than “oh, my gosh we are killing a living animal,” the idea of money or currency changes the rational to a calculus of available resources: hm, well I could probably kill a few more, make a few more snares, a few more hours– so from the earth, that beaver in this case, from being directly supportive of him/her/or them, its now a means for getting money, which supports him/her/them. That happens with farmers, too: a self-motivated person who can grow enough food turns into someone who is growing commodity, for market, for money, for food. They are disconnected with their environment in that could be anything that they are growing; even inedible spawn of Satan such as monsanto’s GMO “corn” and “soy””beans”.

The logic of return to a bottom line leads rational people to invest in what nature would see as an overproduction. This altered reality lead to large parts of the continent we live on getting deforested; leading people to entirely CUT DOWN large parts of where we live! before realizing the immorality of what they were doing. It lead to extractive industries which made high-density plastics, PVC, metals, and weapons. Nowhere along this line of thought is there a consideration of the necessity- do we have to have these things? but rather is driven by the financiers, the elite and parasites who are only after a convenient “bottom line.” Your life, as a do-er and rational person, is reduced in their eyes to that bottom line. Indeed, even today many well-intentioned posts talk about incomes as if that is life…. how about love, right? (food and wifi, ah?)

The getting places of the right things at the right quantities at the right time does not happen on its own, as economics would have you believe. In reality a large amount is syphoned off to the financial ingenuity in the middle; saying hm I could make that work with the numbers. Such that the farmer in the Southern hemisphere gets perhaps 20% if that, of the price that is paid at consumption. This gap is accounted for almost entirely by capitalism, the people that can write business plans and, get them financed. There is a top ten percent that this system favors, while the rest are suckered into….

Labor. Labor is what the bulk of humanity got suckered into in capitalism, and this component really brings it down to: can you put up with and do what you’re told for an extended period of time every day, for money. These 99%, are the cogs of the machine which make it work. It’s not the political talkers, it’s the marx-esque working class. Again, there’s a disconnect: rather than question that basic social condition upon which the system is based, we all do this because we feel stuck in it. But of course, if we are the people and there is a system, we can change it, if we want to right?

It would be untruthful for me to JUST say that democracy is stacked and corrupted by money. The truthful thing for me to say would be that there is an alternative, that’s developed in nearly all aspects of life and furthermore, that this alternative is fun to develop for because its called hacking. Once committed to a non-capitalistic lifestyle, the design and implementation of a new system is what takes over. You want as elegant a solution as possible, such that it can be free for you and everyone else. We have the internet; this process is totally possible. Hacking: to repurpose the dominant paradigm in order to make it more accessible for all parties involved.

So every day I hack something different, it could be some kind of plant, or a hot shower. Many of the utilities from before I’ve come up with and posted on my websites, social media profiles, github, and wikis. These sites are intentionally free and open to anyone; if this idea catches on then very quickly the freedom will be so accessible to anyone with the few sites. There is actually a call to action url with over fifty shares: Since not all places are alike, these solutions will be in large part different for those different areas. They will, however, all be referenceable online.

This new model would operate such that once built, it needn’t many resources (intentional use of that word) from the outside world, and operate with no money. This is very possible on house-scales already, in towns accessible by using common spaces like libraries parks and street benches, in cities if you don’t pay rent. (What is the concentration of property-deeds into the hands of a one-percent other than a foolish attempt to bottom-line a common resource??) Once built, houses would be for the most part self-sustaining, and consumption would happen from the library or cloud. Development of new technology still happens, but under different guidelines, for the system has changed. (technology, is not to be trusted; trust me for now that it would find it’s way.) Its important to note in discussing anti-capitalism the difference between want/need and have to. Need, as it turns out, is not strong enough. You have to do some things. Its been happy for me for a long time as I’ve not used been a part of capitalism for years now. (identifying and turning down these influences when they come at me.)

If the human race goes away from capitalism as its guiding system, a lot of the system’s current struggles will be made irrelevant. Rather than a singular point of freedom, this wave brings in a community. With that agreement, a new paradigm brought about would function equivalently both upstream and downstream of each of us.
Paying bills to make ends meet: if I’d like to grow food and more than I need I will give it away, as long as I don’t need to pay the bills any more. And some things will be a downsize, probably what was needed anyways: eg, if there’s not fuel for the tractor in the same way, let’s get together and grow the food (many hands would make light work of it), or use electric now to get away from the fossil fuel requirement; or use horses (who also, help grow their own food/alfalfa, and are very beautiful and sacred animals).
Greed right now we are in a system which encourages and rewards greed. People spend a lot of their time thinking about the wrong things. It goes hand in hand with effort in the new one, in that if you have the mind for it, you’ll have the right things that you want. One person with the mind of a trailblazer does not discourage others from doing these things, and those seeds might help if there’s extras. Again, in a cooperative system the excess helps the system and heals the earth. This does not take away from any one person having enough; and does not mean any forced equality like in communism.
Corruption I do not want to get into politics in this post, as that would be a corruption of my intention and is something that I don’t think that much about, but others do. A corruption of this post would be to say, oh that’s “socialism,” or whatever else that’s been done before, just taking an economic theory that’s totally new and making it something about government.
Rent, and evictions There was another fallacy that white people did when they came to this continent: they ascribed a financial asset on top of the earth. This made the land not only have its physical “being there,” but something about money also. I read a book that talked about this, maybe by Noam Chomsky? which described this as a financial alchemy which made the United States “rich.” By “accounting,” if you have a financial asset that is the land’s “property,” you actually have twice as much wealth. Think about it. It would be so fucking awesome and fun if an area, such as a city, gave up land values! Would just be available units, with those who lived there having preference of course, and any new buildings would come from available materials, such as the cob city in southern Sudan. Many would also probably move out of the city, so that there would simply be a flux. Cities with urban underdevelopment would find a new blood of folks experimenting with art and music, coding and new food growing. There would be an amazing online culture.

So, what are these solutions that makes this possible? Well, one of them is the ability to grow things in a very small scale. Check out “Ed Che how to live free” on youtube. This setup includes utilities: heat and a hot shower. More tobacco should be grown and figured out how to. Would be nice to have a low-altitude variety of coffee too, #justsayin. Otherwise, anything that you currently do, think about a way that it could be done for free. Try to hack that, and share pictures with your friends : Beware if you’re a do-er, designer, for that capitalistic parasite who will be a pimp to you. It’s like, take the QEG plans and try building them,live with and be happy or teach n bring in others once that seeds and manifests again. Free materials are there, they manifest: if you’re thinking things like cardboard, you’re #doinitright. Finally, the webshare on wikis and how-to sites being what we use to teach society and to learn.

What would be the proper process? Well, first of all I would say come discuss it: It’s like, either we adopt something new or else we go on with what will be a pyramid scheme re-inforced for life. Its very difficult to beat their scheme that’s as it turns out pretty deeply coded. Fuck the system! If you take the alternative path from money, we’ll win for the future, not only Earth but other planets as well. How big? Can be #allofus.

We’ve human competence, and freedom to gain. Older folks have their retirement. If needed to use money, to end money. Let’s use the internet for this, eh>

The negative connotations of “occupation”?

29 Mar

Occupy Wall Street came out about two and a half years ago, and took the country by storm. Me, too as I got accidentally involved with it. How many now are mostly interested in the Occupy politics of what’s going on? It’s, the truth and,… With more actions slated to be coming up, I just wanted to write this post from a native perspective to remember the social justice aspects of, why this land is here and what it means to, #allofus.

The Earth has, really, been abused. The uncomfortable truth for some is that there’s a history of, rape of resources and rights. What more, if hundreds of thousands of mindless consumer-capitalists don’t stop the wal-mart binge of cheap consumer products, it puts future generations at risk via credit collapse, environmental depletion, trash, stupid cheap oil, and capitalist mind-fuck. It’s not a matter of mass-producing ¨green”-marketed products, rather the dollars which lead to greed and a less than friendly way to live. We as a human race have, occupied this planet in a way that is, not consensual.

Liberation means not only freedom in money sense, freedom from being poor for example, but in social relations too. If more people are able to leave their jobs either to start living in communities or in houses, we are talking about having hang-out time like long before; “porch time,” like is appreciated by the Costa Ricans. We are talking about cultures of respect and caring for one another. I look forward to this day of liberation, and while it is a big change, it is not far away. Happens quickly in fact. America cannot continue to be a bad influence for the rest of the world, what will be a big enough force to set things to?

One aspect that I don’t talk about much on social media networks but I feel is relevant to bring up on this blog is, government. In this case, the US government is (was) elected a change regime. Hope and change were good slogans back in 2008, but maybe they mean something, too. Why is Obama giving 60% of the intelligence budget to private surveillance companies? These are the ones that would take over if given the chance, forming para-military type institution to repress the people and they don’t give a FUCK about you. Would you rather a government that either a) listens to your requests, perhaps locally at a city hall, or b) doesn’t do anything, just doesn’t get in the way? One thing for sure here is, I am pretty tired of a government that just says what you cannot do, we could seriously enter such a period of liberation and even emancipation from the overbuilt institutions of the past if weed was legalized to grow. In a long period of advocacy for farming, that is what people want to grow. Since the people don’t ALWAYS know what’s best for them, add hemp in an Executive order too and make it happen. The US is the best hackers in the world, we’ll figure out how to live. Occupyrope, occupycanvas. 🙂

It’s better without money. We can get over a lot of the, resource exploitation of the earth who no one owns and was of the indigenous people without the incentive to over-produce stuff. If you, turned off people’s utilities for a day then they would understand exactly what they have to do to survive. The freedom tools are out there, including easy well digging (youtube dawmlw) and a gaviotas sleeve pump, everyone makes their own free electricity device, or buy the setup if you prefer, and we have free culture over the internet- thanks to free server space, soon. Somehow, resources will be better allocated for Space, and the internet will make all the rest of the tools happen. Just requires a lot of free-money hackers on my operation, if you follow and share this link, please! opalt call to action:

“Would there still be X,” where X is some thing you think you need is the question and, of course there is/will be. So material survival was before we were here, the people figured out a way and, today they aren’t going to die…

Yes, that is just a solve for freedom from money and capitalism. Feel free to comment and/or share this blog’s url if you will thanks! Time to get the seeds and really, microcultures and mushroom cultures that grow fast and quickly enough for the setup. More information coming soon on my Twitter and social media profiles.

Coffee Grinds to Mushrooms: A How to Guide

30 Jan

VIA LunarHarvest:

Yup. I’m not pulling your leg and I’m not kidding you around; oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus) are a species of fungus that can digest coffee grinds, including the filters that they are often discarded with, and produce reliable crops of mushrooms. I was skeptical at first but after doing what seemed to be no more than a month casually searching through online do-it-yourself blogs and investigating companies which distribute mushroom kits and spawn (such as The Mushroom Patch) I had the confidence to give it a shot. I was rewarded with not only beautiful and tasty oyster mushrooms but an acquired set of skills that I can now use to develop further cultivating techniques for this sadly underappreciated crop.

Approximately one month after mixing together the coffee grinds and mycelium together, the oyster mushrooms are well into their first flush.

But why would you want to grow your own mushrooms? The most obvious part of it for me is that you are upcycling, which is the process of converting something that could be interpeted as useless into a new product or something of benifit. You are taking some coffee grinds, which most consider to be ready for the trash, and converting it into edible material. So you are really getting the best bang for your buck; especially since organic good coffee tends to be a little expensive. Might as well use it twice!

Plus you are not just creating any old edible material (Because edible material sounds really appetizing..) but oyster mushrooms, which are delicious and extremely good for you. You can read all about the specifics of nutrition and medicinal properties as well as learn some additional facts about oyster mushrooms here. All of that content could easily be a whole article on it’s own! It’s also pretty enjoyable to be growing a food crop indoors at any time of the year and to be rewarded with what is really, in the long run, minimal effort. Besides the materials and initial effort input it is sort of like just having another houseplant; one that produces something you can eat.

Step 1. Acquiring mycelium and coffee grinds

Chances are, there is a coffee shop near where you live. They are all over the place these days, and so a regular and abundant supply of coffee grinds is pretty easy to come by. My brother used to work at a Second Cup, and he managed to collect 2 garbage bags full of coffee grinds in only 3 days. All it takes is for you to make friends with someone who works at a coffee shop or inquire about it yourself. I have not gone this route since I had a close connection, but I am sure any coffee shop employee you approach will be willing to save some of the grinds for you. Most establishments have to pay to have their garbage dumpsters emptied, so by diverting some of that ‘garbage’ from filling up their bins I am sure they will be more than glad that you are helping them out.

Or, you could save up the coffee grinds yourself. This works well if you live with a whole bunch of people that are all coffee fiends. Pro tip: If you happen to be able to get some organic coffee, then you will naturally produce organic mushrooms. If you are going to go that route and are collecting your own coffee, try using unbleached filters to further improve the purity and quality of your oysters.

As for the mycelium, your only chance is to purchase it online from a company that distributes mushroom spores (referred to as spawn) unless you happen to know someone that you can get some spores from. I ordered mine from The Mushroom Patch and have been impressed with the results. Make sure to follow the instructions on the package to ensure you have healthy and happy spawn!

Step 2: Combining mycelium and coffee grinds

Now all you need is a bucket. It is possible to grow oyster mushrooms in bags
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