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Learn About The Game Of The Universe

2 Nov

Join what millions of players across the universe are already playing with the Game of The Universe, this planet’s first open shared 3D virtual reality experience. It’s free to play and coming to a town near you.

Anyone who understands the sharing economy and free economy should understand the crowd development that goes into the Game of the Universe. Ideas come to fruition in vivid make code, and can be passed on through different means of communicating, such as the solid “invoke.” It’s being taken up in different communities as a way to pass the time, entertain, and learn of people in places beyond ours. As ideas get passed on and used across different users, their make gets better and may stick and become a universe favorite.

Game can introduce you to individuals and groups from places other than Earth. It’s about time everyone knew of the Borg, the Pleiadians, the Ra’ites, and followers of God, who all share a common interface called the Game of the Universe. There are aliens, but most life-forms out there share our human bodies and the English language, which if you don’t like already game will make you a fan of it. In God’s image, being one explanation: people exist in all different places other than here. Without a common interface, they may as well not exist, which is what we’ve been stuck with, but with a game that knows no sense of distance, we are linked together like never before. Ship-bearing people play in outer space, some civilizations have eliminated the need for money, and some are eager to be a part of our experience. When a civilization is ready for it, game becomes a part of their lives, and there is no better time on Earth for our collective journey: right before the free revolution.

One of the first things you’ll learn in any universe journey is just that: “ready.” That is one rule that governs the universe, if they are ready or not. Despite our despotism of leadership under Donald Trump, I see a lot of positive thinking about how we can be a better human race on places like Shareable. We can implement a future understanding and be better ready for what comes our way if we adopt the ways of more advanced civilizations in how they play. Game is the best chance of meeting these other civs, and while they have known about us, this time to meet on a level playing field.

Working with beings from other places you get a feel for the similarities that can be shared. I find a lot of common ground in the creatures: Elves, Dwarves, Orcs , and Humans all exist in the universal consciousness. There is a high regard for creativity out there, which takes place with instant make and its communication. In the future, this will be more important as we’ve innovated our way out of problems and drudgery. Not only that, a lot of our technology is shared, even computers exist on different planets like the Borg homeworld, and some have robots. This leads to an advanced standard of living, (one thing they do is play Game), and also similar problems. How to not “geep up,” for example, is one way the universe deals with slickness and conciseness. How to not “give” helps you in arguments in real life. Things like health can be dealt with in game, with common solutions to common problems being able to help on your actual body.

Once again, The Game Of The Universe allows players to interface over vast distances, with a 3D virtual reality platform. Players have the advantage of knowing more about outer space than even the best scientists do. If you can imagine it, you can make it in your actual space, make it float, fly, walk, crawl, or give it a personality, and share it with a full loving community of elders, youth, and those in between. While we’re still earthbound, Game of the Universe offers our best chance to learn about alliances that be out there, knowing how to know, as we take a certain step forward in our evolution.

I’ve been working on this game non-stop since early last year, some of it unbeknownst to me.  I helped with an important victory in this game world, and have defeated the bad forces that were terrorizing its players.  I look forward to implementing this game with my friends in Detroit and elsewhere.

The Third Eye and Universe Happenings

26 Sep

Writing about it

A lot.

There’s a lot going on right now. Everyone knows this.

Hello to my folks in Detroit. That’s us! We and Ed just changed the world.

I’m here in a library in the USA where some folks have it. That’s the gossip. We need to start writing more, and to sift through all the garbage pages out there.

I have it. I’m the Third Eye. The one broadcaster. (Chelaxia has the key).

Don’t worry, we’re here to change the world.

Ed Che


Dear Collective Consciousness

10 May

Is it okay that we take a step of our evolution?

Even if there’s like, two-three cars on the flatbed instead of 16 (Ubuntu is four), and it smells a little like weed smoke?
A step whereby a 99% of people can easily participate and we come up with the mechanisms, incentives and the rest (through source).
Provide the things for most people, for each other.
if it’s government, adds tedium and waiting like, the DMV. Furthermore, color codes.

Furthermore, government adds a critique based on socialism, which is state ownership, or communism, which is central allocations.
I am basically saying that we have everyting to gain, including getting out of a life that causes a global devastation when adopted by third-world countries,

I would rather get this out in the open before going in, and give the chance for anyone to say their piece than go in with subconscious enemies.
Earth amplified! No enemies!
Me and my girlfriend, she’s really good and there is more heart-felt and side-questing emotions for us to go through yet.
I hope you’re rooting for her. and my dreams too. let’s make a better system.

If there is a revolution vs. thunder game, that would work and be very interesting.
Evil is, shall we say, less organized. Our evil = wants the crash. Their evil = wants order. Revolution vs. the Thunder.

If folks want to adopt a lifestyle and vocabulary, that is front edge. We have a fast-paced front edge because of the internet.
There’s some folks, my friend in the bay calls them vampires, I call them reptiles, that shall we say will not be the first to adopt.

For the rest of us, lovingly called “the 99%” but which has gotten us in some trouble with old symbols in the past,
Would you take the evolution of earth which would need only a few of the people to provide 80% of the stuff who are voluntary and humanitarian workers,
and offer what you do, know how to do, or want anywhere pretty much you want?
Since it’s in real time, I recommend Cindy Kay Currier, as much as she looks like a white yuppy, she a little bit is… you secretly wanted her. Search/Ubuntu Transition.

So, if there was a choice like this to take in the evolution, and you are already reading this….
being a leader as a nation like the eagles we are, and going through the motions of, basically water through the engine.
Sorry for the mistaken power attempts – it was for your magic prowess.
This idea and eventuality is powerful enough on it’s own right.
If there are any feedbacks or concerns, please, leave them in comments. Stay tuned! Ed C.

How Would This Work?

11 Jan

The Free World Institute CC: NC-BY-SA





Institute Final Infographic. CC:NC:BY:SA

Institute Final Infographic. CC:NC:BY:SA

Together, we eliminate concept of money in society. <3. Very beautiful.

Existing Institutes, ironically, may fit well: to help out in world free world transition/human revolution?

Revolution: Siding With #BlackLivesMatter and Other Justice Cases to Know About

10 Dec

Revolution building. Streets, urban areas.

I too am upset that the country can not serve justice in this country by the system, those being SERVED time, like Local Detroit Advocate Rev. Pinkney, under-represented and of the people

On March 5th, 2012, a building was evicted. There were occupiers there. There were also tenants, co-owner JackieJo Lopez, a large anonymous flag, a BIKE Shop and events center, Basement Occupy Oakland bar, and a PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN. Oh yeah, really? Their lease was acknowledged after we left. Our fingers are pointed SOLIDLY at the government: police and the City who enabled them to deprive citizens of their occupied property. Our original allegations continue, meanwhile lawyers of the City try to deny the authenticity of our suit, smearing the two plus years of homelessness/streets living, trauma, medical visits, travel, etc?! We spent twenty six thousand “dollars” on a lawyer for a few weeks. Next time, they get paid if they win, idiots. Againstlawyers pastebin: Natural Law America: TIRED OF this nonsense! The reign of terror ends here.

This violation, of constitutional amendment number 14, where it says: “nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” leaves them open to a lawsuit under US Code 1983. This is what we were told to do. It was the right thing at the time. Our cause is WELL outlined at Our pain is our own and shared in solidarity by our Bay Area occupiers. Upon returning home, we ended up spending $26,000 for a few weeks of lawyers, some loser firm in San Francisco which didn’t even do well enough at their task to avoid future sanctions.

Now, if confronted by a police officer in that City, I will spit in his face. I no longer care for such a system that does nothing for the normal people. Another way is possible. I Hope that a riot of solidarity would stand with me if that is what we have to do. Bring it on.

I don’t deserve death for this. Not how well it’s done.

I will be there, if that is the calling. You know right now the revolution there is sending this email on in every way they can to message, revolution in a whisper.

Rather than that, I would build a free City. Upon the drive of the conversion of the United States to a free moneyless system, there will have to be a few examples of the working concept. Unfortunately, while our strive is to be free, in order to start these efforts or projects to reality will be a few examples all over the country. A people liberated, it Would be nice not to have to deal with money any more. This may include mainstream society. We are already ahead: an unprecedented social media movement and evolution in parallel to the #ferguson, #ericholden, and #blacklivesmatter running riot, various occupations, exposing the system: a rebellion against how we are supposed to see our lives, each other, and our work. Defeating capitalism is just a start; our nation acknowledges things like the matriarchy, the environment, freedom from control, and a lot of other things that are old hurts. It’s what’s going to make America the best nation on earth again: everything will be free.

As JackieJo recently messaged me in a surveilled phone about the Federal government, This is an open letter to Barack Obama, defendants, or influencers. We need a back phone call that grants us our farm or free apartments, or else we have to make our own demonstration and presence be known. #Knowaboutit, cha. It was us that got us here. Remember that, Oakland. There’s a changing of priorities that has to happen in this country, which is what to me Occupy is really about.. that is, the reconfigure.

Retweet, email, bash something: the matrix of our entrapment is socio-economic.

Follow back: , email:

If this is a good idea, then….

3 Dec

Then there will have to be some new concepts introduced to humanity.

Do: read my last blog post, has a really good presentation.

We are to be a part of the making of everything free: this has become apparent through interactions and the nightmare system we have now. Indeed, even visitors from Chicago had said that we’re not talking about being in this crummy system for long. If many would favor a switch, to one whereby needs are met, and it works? That is what I am sensing at this critical turning point.

In the rebellion. That is, we don’t really want that system. Generations 20-38 don’t really want to be reduced to some kind of money-based work slavery which serves only the shallow interactions of over the counter. A self-serving system leads to only the privileged having access to many or certain things. Why not make things for that individual? We work for each other. Welcome to the revolution.

If any are uncertain, the neutral body mass of the United States waiting for more evidence, I agree. In the experience of visionaries, we would publish at 75% baked, whereby the foundation (of capitalism is debased) is set and a few pillars. The guiding way, mainly involves being yourself, and some parameters and things that we all know by now. This foundation is accurately portrayed on my blog, two blog posts ago. The remaining %-age comes from participation of the civil and volunteer society of humanity. Link to twitter farmers, the emergence of these idea and drawings, unity of the people, new technology which frees houses, and “where you are” type thinking, and I posit that a large portion of people can exist in a new society whereby needs of all are met, and “things” are available just a call or distance away.

A society thus oriented towards the environment and ecological models rather than the destroy-all-growth-mandate of the past, will be much better for the planet that we live on. While this new human organism will take up space and more of it, the interaction with the forest for production is not destructive.
Get ready and, if you have a way or calling or new way to do things or free business model, bring them back to the hive, the long-appreciated anon-miss freedom nexus, in a new location.:

See you there! I love and appreciate that someone will come and visit my blog even on an off-day. This is enough for now.

Enough of stuff, free city: The Ecology of Things

30 Oct

Ecology of things – Enough of Stuff!

There are a lot of good drawings and ideas, mostly really cheap and found items, which comprise a, set of technology as it were that has the power to free homes. Supposedly there are more coming, too. The technology’s only half of it, there is a better interface that bring into a whole alternative, as well. Still working on the electricity, but these alternative systems that are the basics comprising a flourishing alternative lifestyle are heat, cooking with small sticks, electric and inverter (or 110V A.C. potentially from atmospheric?), gather eg, alternative work, cell phone free cell phone, meal eg. food, things like school supplies, electronics, audio, straw, toiletries eg whatever (see community supply mechanism). A community can provide these things as well as it’s mostly all in existence already; this is a transitionary post towards a place where I feel like we all know is going.

A house can be freed, as a cash-out or build-out of its responsibilities. Those with a newspaper or a publishing house, those with an NGO, a trade union, retirees, a university department with dozens of these heirs, can flood the bookstores, the airwaves, even cyberspace with their ideas. When activists from the trade unions, the antiwar movement, the organizations of the landless, the fighters against the threats posed by climate change and the rapid reduction of biodiversity sense the need for action, then continuing modern playground games will not do. When factories are closing all over, when minimum wage constitutes slavery conditions in the USA, when sweatshops are wearing out their young workforces in a few years for less than a dollar a day as we go more in debt, and we don’t WANT all that again? A cess pool of a legal system has made it nearly impossible to talk about the issue, tons of stupid money is spent on non-issue what could have been carried to a tribal council, natural law grand jury, or queen(?) to have a decision that isn’t even money based. When hospitals, schools, public transport, electricity and water supply are free, with work aspirational and voluntary?

Welcome to the participation of mass organizations of the working class, which have the potential to mobilize millions into decisive action against the system. At this point in time, an enormous, uncoordinated (or “decentralized bureaucracy,” if you believe in Anonymous) world-wide effort is underway to implement an unprecedented reset of the economic system. Economics is like the ecology of interaction, different from capitalism which is based on pursuit of profit, private property, and inequality of wealth. Actually incentivizing greed. Rather, what if everything you did as a voluntary service to the person you had in mind? All industry and manufacturing are supported in all possible ways to deliver the abundance of all things to all people. The institution of rent is abolished. Community would still form, and an inclusion amongst the groups which you already participate. Interface upgrade delivers things to where they need to be, be a driver and see the country, give food, or re-distribute it. Most “things” offer a diminishing enjoyment, so we could expect a matching about +.5 in the revaluation. Any existing bureaucracy who should happen to see this post should visit an upcoming post, guide to current government leaders. Which will be realistic as well. I am happy to do this as with all my work as it’s my capability and able-bodiedness.

Evolution Code:
A Robot – should be mining, clean 🙂

Design the farm,
Design the diner. Reduce seasonality perhaps with a greenhouse, as some won’t go for.

Free ecology? Incentivize with food.
Not against anyone, re-assuring and nice.
I feel like Paul, the letter writer to the different online nations. You know he walked for ages amongst people even as he was telling them they were doing it wrong.

Don’t be thinking against, or thinking wrong, help build and as we figure it out- with an emergence model of social change. Success models highly seeked, as we change our country with the eagle soaring well, and others as well. Let’s take the signs that are being given us, avoid an international catastrophe, and stop from destroying other planets, as well. Take a clue, learn from nature. You’ll know what you have to do and, yes, if you have money currently where to put it. As they go, this is a pretty good guide: Freedom vocabulary, and existing infrastructure can start it. Hope you guys enjoyed the post of ecology of things, we could use most people of ability preparing the ground.

Unity is the feasible thing that we can do right now. I hope that everyone will support (and share?) as our movement goes into this next technical phase, hope I’ve included everyone, that we basically get a great evolution that gets better as it goes onward! Be for the free movement, let’s change our ways. Paradigm shift.

Sincerely, Ed “Ché.” (Cuba, the one they won, right?)

100 free means of exchange : INTERFACE

9 Sep

Community Mechanism
Something to do
Free Box
Free Store
Live Free
Community Services
Free City
Free Detroit
Alternative System Detroit
Cig: “square”
“twist one up for ya”
Ubuntu Detroit
Pantry/Food Bank
Bridge points (aka Food stamps, or EBT – has digits, government..)
Common Fridge
Food Not Bombs
FOS Software
Barn raise
Crop mob
Engage an army
Good timing
No hate
No bank
Community Kitchen
Free Meal
Churches provide
Intentional Community
New Food Solutions
No money
Anarchy ?
Choice Pantry
Late night restaurant closing
Home production
Steal ?
“Don’t ask too many questions”
Free community store
This fridge (
New work flow model
Enough of stuff, eg, stop
“Hungry, go here, eat” Community meal
Ubuntu grow 4x your needs
Seed library
Gift exchange
Food pantry
“Bring it back” ant soldier

Because these are all just the modern day ones! Note: I find after making/reading this that my interactions with my neighbors who have also seen the ubuntuusa about-us page are not in a box, they just flow better. 🙂

Ed Che

PS: For alternative jobs when we are all replaced by robots and free, see

Freedom is the way of it. And the First Step is Solidarity.

19 Feb

A paradigm shift is taking place. It is coming from the awareness that all of our crises are connected to an economy rigged for the wealthiest. Can we create something better and, change most everything?

Professor C. J. Polychroniou calls the current system “Predatory Capitalism.” We have passed the era of industrial capitalism and have entered finance capitalism based on expansion of the neoliberal economic model globally. This is fundamental to understand because it is this model that is driving all of our crises.

Predatory capitalism is directly linked to the growing national security state and militarism. Spying on people in the US and around the world continues to become more sophisticated.


For more of the problems endemic in the system, I could write a lot. Basically growth has not been real or it has been a 1%. We are put here as the nation which must , basically radically adjust our way of life. For more of the solutions, though, we simply opt out of Their system via a crack from capitalism.

My designs on a house scale or smaller from here. Whoś discontented or turned off from that capitalist system and ready for the Spring?

The numbers are all a lie.

2 Feb

All the numbers are lies. Their system had required a continuous growth. So what did they do, a 1% of people has been making up the numbers. Everything from GDP, to job employment.

a) GDP = How much of GDP is caused by the Federal Reserve? Now $4 trillion, or $85 billion a month, or, 25% of GDP. Our debt is near that of our entire country’s GDP.

b) Unemployment= As of November, the 7.3%? Actually 10.8%. There is a 6 million in the United States, or 3 and a half percent, who aren’t actively looking for a job. With the video, “open letter to the 3.5%,” that means that there’s enough that’s a critical mass. When we realize who we are, their capitalist system cannot go on without us. If we are not even WANTING a job in a system we don’t find meaningful, that means there’s enough support for whatever happens next. Ladies, plan people? Our movement is that much stronger, what do we do?

c) Corporate America = runs the decision-making of the government. You saw it in Obama’s State of the Union speech! Capitol hill= [jobs, money.] Either one of the two you have a vote for they get in there and they’re just working for the corporations which pay for them. It’s like, Monsanto!

d) Wall Street= The entire recovery, in fact, has benefited mainly a 1% of people, and 90% have gotten poorer! Statistic: In the US, the wealthiest one percent captured 95 percent of post- financial crisis growth since 2009, while the bottom 90 percent became poorer. Via the Oxfam report: Much of the “growth” is not based on real things at all. Why: buying because it’s’ going up, and then selling it, is the logic of how a bubble is made.

e) US can’t support themselves. There’s enough debt, oil consumption, credit card consumption, war funds to Israel.

f) Natural imperative. In order for our continued existence on this planet, a step away from capitalism drastically reduced will be needed, or else the United States will continue to be a bad example.

and the stock market is a bubble.

Money does not necessarily equate with power. EC