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The negative connotations of “occupation”?

29 Mar

Occupy Wall Street came out about two and a half years ago, and took the country by storm. Me, too as I got accidentally involved with it. How many now are mostly interested in the Occupy politics of what’s going on? It’s, the truth and,… With more actions slated to be coming up, I just wanted to write this post from a native perspective to remember the social justice aspects of, why this land is here and what it means to, #allofus.

The Earth has, really, been abused. The uncomfortable truth for some is that there’s a history of, rape of resources and rights. What more, if hundreds of thousands of mindless consumer-capitalists don’t stop the wal-mart binge of cheap consumer products, it puts future generations at risk via credit collapse, environmental depletion, trash, stupid cheap oil, and capitalist mind-fuck. It’s not a matter of mass-producing ¨green”-marketed products, rather the dollars which lead to greed and a less than friendly way to live. We as a human race have, occupied this planet in a way that is, not consensual.

Liberation means not only freedom in money sense, freedom from being poor for example, but in social relations too. If more people are able to leave their jobs either to start living in communities or in houses, we are talking about having hang-out time like long before; “porch time,” like is appreciated by the Costa Ricans. We are talking about cultures of respect and caring for one another. I look forward to this day of liberation, and while it is a big change, it is not far away. Happens quickly in fact. America cannot continue to be a bad influence for the rest of the world, what will be a big enough force to set things to?

One aspect that I don’t talk about much on social media networks but I feel is relevant to bring up on this blog is, government. In this case, the US government is (was) elected a change regime. Hope and change were good slogans back in 2008, but maybe they mean something, too. Why is Obama giving 60% of the intelligence budget to private surveillance companies? These are the ones that would take over if given the chance, forming para-military type institution to repress the people and they don’t give a FUCK about you. Would you rather a government that either a) listens to your requests, perhaps locally at a city hall, or b) doesn’t do anything, just doesn’t get in the way? One thing for sure here is, I am pretty tired of a government that just says what you cannot do, we could seriously enter such a period of liberation and even emancipation from the overbuilt institutions of the past if weed was legalized to grow. In a long period of advocacy for farming, that is what people want to grow. Since the people don’t ALWAYS know what’s best for them, add hemp in an Executive order too and make it happen. The US is the best hackers in the world, we’ll figure out how to live. Occupyrope, occupycanvas. 🙂

It’s better without money. We can get over a lot of the, resource exploitation of the earth who no one owns and was of the indigenous people without the incentive to over-produce stuff. If you, turned off people’s utilities for a day then they would understand exactly what they have to do to survive. The freedom tools are out there, including easy well digging (youtube dawmlw) and a gaviotas sleeve pump, everyone makes their own free electricity device, or buy the setup if you prefer, and we have free culture over the internet- thanks to free server space, soon. Somehow, resources will be better allocated for Space, and the internet will make all the rest of the tools happen. Just requires a lot of free-money hackers on my operation, if you follow and share this link, please! opalt call to action:

“Would there still be X,” where X is some thing you think you need is the question and, of course there is/will be. So material survival was before we were here, the people figured out a way and, today they aren’t going to die…

Yes, that is just a solve for freedom from money and capitalism. Feel free to comment and/or share this blog’s url if you will thanks! Time to get the seeds and really, microcultures and mushroom cultures that grow fast and quickly enough for the setup. More information coming soon on my Twitter and social media profiles.

Freedom is the way of it. And the First Step is Solidarity.

19 Feb

A paradigm shift is taking place. It is coming from the awareness that all of our crises are connected to an economy rigged for the wealthiest. Can we create something better and, change most everything?

Professor C. J. Polychroniou calls the current system “Predatory Capitalism.” We have passed the era of industrial capitalism and have entered finance capitalism based on expansion of the neoliberal economic model globally. This is fundamental to understand because it is this model that is driving all of our crises.

Predatory capitalism is directly linked to the growing national security state and militarism. Spying on people in the US and around the world continues to become more sophisticated.


For more of the problems endemic in the system, I could write a lot. Basically growth has not been real or it has been a 1%. We are put here as the nation which must , basically radically adjust our way of life. For more of the solutions, though, we simply opt out of Their system via a crack from capitalism.

My designs on a house scale or smaller from here. Whoś discontented or turned off from that capitalist system and ready for the Spring?

Sheep Lawn Mowers, and Other Go-Getters

25 Nov

The original article below. My complete philosophy more on this blog.

November 2, 2011


IN this verdant lawn-filled college town, most people keep their lawn mowers tuned up by oiling the motor and sharpening the blades. Eddie Miller keeps his in shape with salt licks and shearing scissors.

Mr. Miller, 23, is the founder of Heritage Lawn Mowing, a company that rents out sheep — yes, sheep — as a landscaping aid. For a small fee, Mr. Miller, whose official job title is “shepherd,” brings his ovine squad to the yards of area homeowners, where the sheep spend anywhere from three hours to several days grazing on grass, weeds and dandelions.

The results, he said, are a win-win: the sheep eat free, saving him hundreds of dollars a month in food costs, and his clients get a freshly cut lawn, with none of the carbon emissions of a conventional gas-powered mower. (There are, of course, other emissions, which Mr. Miller said make for “all-natural fertilizer.”)

Continue reading

Guides for a New World

20 Sep

Hi folks! I have a very special blog post today, this will be up here for a while, so feel free to reference it:

These guides are for everyone: the tools for us in order to be sustainable in food and energy solutions. The best of internet and experience changing these industries. Want to know what to do? How about what @BarackObama should focus on? If we can be energy and food self-sufficient, we will have a resilient footing no matter what the future is. Download and distribute, these are Guides for a New World. -E


Boosting Energy for Our Future with Feed-in Tariffs applicable to policy makers in the government about the best practice possible environmental regulation in order to boost sustainable energy generation in the USA. 

350 organizing guide how to “sell it”- the pitch for climate action! 

defra-ghg-conversion-factors All businesses will need to use this in the future. GHG (Carbon equivalent) conversion factors to calculate baseline Carbon footprint for your operation.

FFrom the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources

Lets you know what is in season for consumers who want to eat local.

For Food: Again, for everyone.


Lettuce Link GardeningGuide  the best possible reference for starting to grow our own food plants.

boston_local_guide relevant for restaurants and serious local foodies looking for bulk inputs. Published for other cities too at 

CRI-Farmers-Market-Action-Guide  from Corporate Accountability International, on how to change the fast food system. 

Please Use and Distribute. Can you forward to your policy-maker?


I am…

30 Aug

An assistant mechanic and assistant cook.
A farm student.
In it for making money, eventually.
Leading edge progressive moderate.
Looking for the next thing.


I’d say…

Decent understanding of farm economics + politics.

Not a hustler.

An okay Starcraft2 player.

Small creative acts= funny?

Self-made man. free will.

Online: Linkedin: Professional Pattern Detector

Machine: Words are nuts and bolts.

Blog- – tools to build A Global Organic Mindset

Permaculture Designing the Zion CDC Plots

29 Jul

I took out two 8×2′ plots to toss my lot and see how I could do at it. The approach was different, but my plants are flourishing:

When Judy Wright, with the community development corporation here, asked if I was a master gardener, I responded that I’m a sustainable designer and a composter. One of the concepts of permaculture is that there’s no such thing as a blank environment. As such I looked to see what was already growing. The first big planting day I transplanted in cumphrey and red clover to get a compost-nitrogen fixing system going. Then planted orange heirloom tomatoes, onion sets (2..), a mound of “pickle size” cucumbers, and lettuce/spinach mix.

The other bed was more complicated. There were many tomatoes coming up from last year’s garden. I decided to leave tomatoes in the bed and plant sorrel, a leafy perennial that is known for a lemony taste. Then trellised the tomatoes. So far, the sorrel has flourished. I am giving flower tops to a friend who is making tea with them, and the leaf I’m using for a yellow dye with a college administrator. Finally, the roots I will keep and use as red dye for my wool.

What started out as a design experiment is working out very well; I am rewarded with the top-3 garden plots this year amongst the community growers. More plants and perennials to seed the whole area with. Pura vida! Pics soon.
-Eddie Miller

#Organic is modern.

23 Jul

These days on the farm have me thinking. I hope I’ve communicated well via twitter, tumblr, and twitpic what work on the farm entails, but it’s process. Money does matter in this type of process, and we are making it. Margins are still tight and work is long, but this is how a lot of American agriculture needs to work. Right now in the season, our compost piles are getting finished; we are preparing beds for beans and sweet potatoes; tomatoes and peppers and squashes are long in the ground. The purpose of this post is to tell you that viable modern organic farm techniques that make this possible.

Seek local markets.

Solution: Organic Farming
Organic farming is an economic solution for farmers.
Grow a dynamic mix of fruits and vegetables, all year round saves you money not having to buy food.
More control over what you plant and harvest than just one thing.

Organic farming takes Carbon out of the atmosphere.

Farming involves more jobs in rural places.
More jobs in bagging, harvesting, weeding, watering, making compost and all these things.
Jobs from our organization include truck driving, packing, operations, ordering, research, grantwriting, extension, education work, and volunteers. (*want one?)
And farming organically is a better opportunity for young people interested to try out farming.

Organic farming can be local.
Retail shops and restaurants in the tourism of the country.
Healthy, fresh, chemical-free food for the people nearby.

Organic farming can be certified.
0-3 years it takes to go through the process, hard to organize but gets you $$!
Certified organic Costa Rican= 60-180% price increase, and guaranteed to sell all your food.

*Reasons To Consider Organic Production*
1. Innovate and experiment on your own farm.
2. Organic production uses no pesticides, which is better for the ecosystem and human health. This also gives the farmer greater freedom from the rising cost of external inputs.
3. Organic production is often greater than conventional in a drought
4. May qualify for funds and other programs
5. Organic community
6. Yields same or better than conventional farming per acre.
7. 75-100& price premium: “financial bottomline”
Source: ATTRA, Organic Extension Organization in US

Viable Local

20 Jun

We can produce local agriculture cheaper,
market it in town.
End product is staples for U.S.

Now we’ll have corn, beans, potatoes, squash, zucchinis, winter squash, lamb and parsley available from gardens in wholesale/retail bulk. 🙂

For consumer side, we try to make food as available as possible. City Fresh stops are Monday at Eastwood, the Jones Farm has CSA pickup on Thursday, and the Farmer’s market in Oberlin is on Saturday. These subscriptions will give you a great tasty variety of what’s in season. Hickory Acres, just South West of town will usually do meat and eggs as deliveries to your house! The West Side Market in Cleveland is usually open for other needs. Restaurants and retail stores that stock locally are Sprouts cafe, Black River, the Oberlin Market, Fresh Start (maybe), and Agave.

LCCC employs Sustainable Agriculture Program!

17 Jun

Sustainable Agriculture
Short-Term Technical Certificate – 7190
The Short-Term Certificate in Sustainable Agriculture will allow LCCC students to explore careers in agriculture and food systems. Students will learn key sustainability and land stewardship skills as they study the interactions between food, human health, and ecosystem services. Students will contribute to the production, distribution, and marketing of locally grown produce through hands-on experiences with local farmers and growers. Some courses require travel time to off-campus sites. This program is offered in collaboration with The Ohio State University Agriculture Technical Institute (OSU/ATI) in Wooster, OH, and the George Jones Memorial Farm in Oberlin, OH. Lorain County Community College has articulation agreements with colleges and universities including programs offered at LCCC’s University Partnership.

View coursework for this program– link not working wonder who to email?

From a “Still Skeptical” post: Founding a Business

10 Jun

Check the date! This post was written over two years ago, in fact almost three. In it I outline accurately plans I still have to this day.

Founding a Business
I have been thinking a lot lately about the plan of what I want to do after college. And things may be coming together quite interestingly. There are big changes happening in agriculture, especially toward sustainable farming. Some ideas I have:

Found a non-loss, non-dividend Social Business.
Goal: Get organic into the lives of all rural families living below the poverty line for self-sufficiency and empowerment.
2. Market and sell organic produce in the US to ensure that small producers always have an outlet for excess production.
3. Research and disseminate best techniques for high-yield organic small farms.

Dealing in: high yield, direct trade, commercial organic fruits, vegetables, commodities, and herbs: banana, pineapple, cotton, corn, coffee, sugar cane, plantain, cocoa, dairy, livestock, name (root), noni (experimental), oregano, basil, etc.

Direct Trade: Microsupply/Microdemand.
Imagine buying a pack of bananas (organic and directly benefitting farmers and the environment, etc), from 4 different farms (individual farmer here could== coop region) in different regions/countries/local varieties. Say that bananas are not a uniform taste, as the clone seeds are—designed to be big and yellow on the outside and distributed by a single company. But organic actually taste better. How much better? You decide. Vote thumbs up or thumbs down on our website to let us know for each one, and look for your favorite in singles next time you go to the supermarket.
–> Some types sell out quicker and are higher rated… stores notice and request more from that farmer. Farmer can produce more funded by higher price. Exceptional examples could hit a “genetic jackpot” and maintain exclusive or sell seed.
–> Range of sticker prices based on ratings, with the best taste costing more and the low-range still a few cents higher than standard quality plantation banana.
–> Would give local farmers incentive to experiment, they may strike it rich! Would lend itself to organic non-gm farming, which already represents a large benefit to family ownership/livelihoods. With many small plots, could even find out what your farm is best at producing by rating against other small farmers.
–> New market for seeds can be grassroots-based in constant evolution and locally variant. Microsupply, microdemand for seed market as well driven by the larger research farms.

How? The internet can manage this quantity of data!

Local Campaign:
-With organic farms can do Community Shared Agriculture shares to benefit from added diversity of production, for any size farm even those that can’t make it international.
-Uncertified organic “gardens” can be grown in backyard for family or market, if seed is made available that doesn’t need fertilizers or pesticides. Reduce dependence on (costly, external) food and boost family income.
-“Preserve your environment and stand up for your livelihood because their economics is not working.” Support local farmers. Support organic. Organize and lobby for fair laws (while using the existing ones)
-Once you’re big enough, join your local coop for shared investments and shipments. Coops can work with us for finding buyers, brokering deals, farmer education, flyers etc.

Scattered, and still some things to work out, but well on the way to becoming the material and flesh of venture capital. Just need a team of impassioned individuals– consider this an invitation to ask more.

Posted by HP at 9:40 PM

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