Tag Archives: Free Movement

Enough Free Stuff How? Institutes and the RBE

3 Nov

How could things be done to scale, and alternative?

The Institute system is designed to make anything freely available. This is the mechanism underlying the free RBE system. So, amazingly, people have developed all the other components of how the way would work – you know, over the last years. This can be done as a retrofit or a new city, but I ask for the creative commons, attribution non-commercial sharealike with the free world institutes system.

The Base Institute is the only one that would charge, in order to cash out the people. This is the mechanism all the other Institutes get, in order to convert upstream producers. Unless a different greenhouse, etc, was made, I presume a single or few monoculture farmers, whereby even a small portion of their crop in exchange for no utilities is a large amount for the fledgling Institutes to process.

The Institute worker wakes up in the place, a new classless individual whose role is to make x freely available. The Institute worker would live in the environment, ideally, regardless all their needs are provided for. One of the first we have here is the bodega institute, to fit the characteristics of the urban area around us. One cow-share upstream might include making a lot of cheeses, milk, creams, whipped creams, ice cream, butter, and picking it up from the spot which is team level at this point. Ideas are encouraged by task, and expertise and creativity is achieved including being able to soon meet requests as the Base Institute continues to free people; the farmer has the Base inventions, so is included in paradigm and gets anything that’s made.

The Institute worker gets everything provided for, and for this class of individual will probably be relieved to finally be utilized to the extent of his/her physical and mental capacity, ability and creativity, and morale of balance. As well as not in service of that terrible money. In this society, work is optional, but if you’re not doing it you’re not living in that Institute skyscraper.
A card-holder, as well, gets anything made or needed provided for. These are like-minded members of the community, who want everything free stuff at the bodegas or whatever. So long as they don’t have rent, they have the house utilities and the card and get everything will be given them. They complain though, and well they might consider ask, helping out to make a way, meet and outreach, and start the Institute branch doing that. There would be many institutes in a building area, trainings and tools provided a la https://ubuntuusa.com/about-us, and once built self-sufficient by Institutes and resources.

More suggestions in how to get into it is on this blog and the MoLeSo blog. Those who don’t get out of money are not going to be all gung-ho illuminati, they going to be left footing a large bill of the illuminati oil barons, war machine financers, home mortgage lenders, federal reserve, and banks. America at this time can be pretty upset with the large debt and probably looking to transition their area out. That Sun beat down every day, and meanwhile the moneyless option may be coming in! This is the outcome of a lot of bad decisions, the outcome of capitalism, and furthermore is built in to economics, the architecture of the system itself. Based on greed and selfishness, materialism and disregard for neighbors; its no wonder that we would destroy large amounts of our natural treasure for something shiny. The distribution that has arrived a small % of people getting most, and large populations on crumbs a day. A redistribution where its needed gets the Institutes going, and the free everything work-if-you-want system is behind it. Hope you like it. Ed “Che” Miller

A Global Organic Mindset, Moneylesssociety.com, Freeworlder

New York Needs Another Skyscraper – on Rent To Own

16 Oct

Why New York needs more tall buildings: On Rent-To-Own in Cities and A noncapitalist skyscraper

Okay so how many people you got in one of these cities like tons. And, how can it be that coming up, $800 dollars a week is going to be sustainable? That’s on top of the minor things it takes to live, which impoverishes the people. So, with no one having much extra except for that café and the bodega, we’re near close to free right? Anyways, different conversation. This one is called Why New York needs more tall buildings, and you’ll see why in a moment this is a plan for a non-capitalist skyscraper. Other buildings could be retrofit, too. The concept is called rent-to-own, and that’s something I think would appeal to many city folk.

What are the advantages to an apartment in the first place? If you’ve lived in one you know them: a space that you can call your own, not all the hassle of a house, has the “things” that define modern life: a tv, internet probably, some electricity, kitchen appliances, running water built in, okay. How is this particular building of apartments built? Now, here is the first ready-set-go assumption: that these utilities can be provided in a de-centralized way and in their own abundance without a money-per-month type arrangement. The building is built with these things, which other than any natural limits, which solves our sustainability crisis right there. Alright. Now that the building is built, windows sealed, that central HHO, forced-air heater hooked up to your thermostats, light and power all connected, we are ready for some tenants and ready to pay back the building.

Rent-to-own premise part 1. Imagine you are a young couple moving to the City, ready to make a go of it, or you are a single traveller who’s ready for what that City is. You find apartments on a competitive rate find basis, but you don’t really want to be saddled with that. What would be better is to have your space that no one’s going to come kick you out of, establish yourself and hit the ground running, but really you’d like to own. Every month some dude coming to your door is not classy, and lurking like a predatory investor really. After you owned, he’d be your friend and know you. You require less orienting and turnover rate, and you know how to be in the City. However, you cannot be like “oh, my friend is going to take over,” no: original application ownership cannot change. If for any reason you want to leave that place (apartment dwellers prefer apt for their flexibility too), you do so with no penalty and the apartment goes back into the pool: you keep your mobility and are not tied.. you don’t have to deal with selling like you would a house.

Cause Ownership is the dream of every New Yorker. Additionally, many in our generation feel this sense of loss that things that used to be so symbolic of our country are a false profit-ic shell of capitalism, the police and judicial system, and a new world order charade that continues to make sure the rich get richer while the poor run on the survival pressure rat-race. If we (including many of the intelligentsia/politicians) know how not to be, that we don’t want capitalism communism or socialism, if the opportunity comes up we might just take it. This plan sets up a way to transition our occupy housing to accomodate, in a way which pays for itself, and paves the way for information and culture- sector researchers and institute workers of whatever type the future holds in store for us. We can meet those dreams and requests in a way that doesn’t constantly kill ourselves doing it either. I hope that this is clear: a plan which houses folks luxuriously and pays for itself? Who will fund me, let’s take this on.

In fact, such a plan does not even have to be funded and taken on by me, the subconscious search for rent-to-own in cities like Chicago and New York will do it on it’s own. Perhaps 2015 may not completely change every landlord’s heart, but to tend away from, that, can eventually change or eliminate what can be a really harmful way of being. We in turn populate more our cities with folks who can be competent there, giving them an adequate sampling, everyone has their turn, keeping minds open for transition, and 8 months later you are, a lot freer. I hope this plan gains traction and substance as folks talk it. Namasté, Ed Che. A Global Organic Mindset written Wednesday, September 23. Published Oct. 13th, 2015.

It’s time to build a new system

6 Jan

At this time, it’s time to leverage a more loving humanity and really start bending and subverting rules to do things for the other people. This means a more loving humanity in which money is not a factor.

You may have heard by now about “the inventions,” as I’m designing them in real time in Chicago. Chicago is providing me with a bit more capacity to finish the parts together that will apply for a lot of houses. We are on the verge of inventing free heat, electricity, wifi, and distribution systems for a new way to run cities off of. This will ideally give a way to live a lifestyle which is not scarcity or different much from what you know.

The institutes supply the storefronts. If it’s something that is important to folks in the area, it will be staffed and made and done for the others. If it’s over-developed, not important stuff, then it will fall out and the space can be used for recreation. There will be some things to get used to, like, having a lot more free time. Many things do not require work, and institutes offer an intriguing and loving way to re-design custom things for other people.

The only control that exists, in this free system, and transition system also realistically- remember that-, is, “don’t aggro the admin.” <3. There may be that admin there for logistic reasons, or few employees that are also voluntary, and don't fight them… just don't clash. If ya got power, then that's great. We can be hard, just because we cannot deal with flakes at a time when our success is necessary.

As we go forward, we will have to find more loving and voluntary ways to do things for each other. Many of these sites already exist. Try trashnothing.com, freecycle.org which has local groups all over the country, craigslist free, or another site is moneylesssociety.com, which offers a classifieds page for both real and imaginary volunteer job postings, visioning, ideas, and other things. My favorite social network so far that is all free movement is http://freeworlder.org/, which brings together a group of folks from all over the world.

Games? yes. Music? will happen in mass. Collaborative development off the side of that moneyless society page, happens. Linux works and is a good model; wikipedia also probably one of the most successful so far. We can collectively manifest a space ship if we get to a point where we aren't thinking about money.

I hope that the whole world can go to this. How large is our movement? This and the other posts deserve many more hits and I know it makes the impact, it will get there.

Institutes model is good. Check out more on an upcoming post.

If this is a good idea, then….

3 Dec

Then there will have to be some new concepts introduced to humanity.

Do: read my last blog post, has a really good presentation.

We are to be a part of the making of everything free: this has become apparent through interactions and the nightmare system we have now. Indeed, even visitors from Chicago had said that we’re not talking about being in this crummy system for long. If many would favor a switch, to one whereby needs are met, and it works? That is what I am sensing at this critical turning point.

In the rebellion. That is, we don’t really want that system. Generations 20-38 don’t really want to be reduced to some kind of money-based work slavery which serves only the shallow interactions of over the counter. A self-serving system leads to only the privileged having access to many or certain things. Why not make things for that individual? We work for each other. Welcome to the revolution.

If any are uncertain, the neutral body mass of the United States waiting for more evidence, I agree. In the experience of visionaries, we would publish at 75% baked, whereby the foundation (of capitalism is debased) is set and a few pillars. The guiding way, mainly involves being yourself, and some parameters and things that we all know by now. This foundation is accurately portrayed on my blog, two blog posts ago. The remaining %-age comes from participation of the civil and volunteer society of humanity. Link to twitter farmers, the emergence of these idea and drawings, unity of the people, new technology which frees houses, and “where you are” type thinking, and I posit that a large portion of people can exist in a new society whereby needs of all are met, and “things” are available just a call or distance away.

A society thus oriented towards the environment and ecological models rather than the destroy-all-growth-mandate of the past, will be much better for the planet that we live on. While this new human organism will take up space and more of it, the interaction with the forest for production is not destructive.
Get ready and, if you have a way or calling or new way to do things or free business model, bring them back to the hive, the long-appreciated anon-miss freedom nexus, in a new location.: http://github.com/em-che/freedom-nexus/wiki

See you there! I love and appreciate that someone will come and visit my blog even on an off-day. This is enough for now.