Tag Archives: departure

Back in Boston

8 Sep

..And loving it.

I´m trying to get accustomed to a new environment after a summer on a motorcycle travelling through Latin America.



New Contact Info, mark it! >>
Ed Miller
74 St. Paul St. #6
Brookline, MA 02446
Phone: 440-935-5434
Email: emiller@bu.edu
eddie@smallplanet.org (!)
Facebook *Farmville
Blogs I manage: MAPS,
Small Planet Institute,
BU People .

Check them out now!!

See you around this semester!
Eddie Miller
(440) 935 5434

Happiness theory

15 Aug

A philosophy of happiness. My dad´s response to my left me thinking hard about said happy and what that means. If we search for happiness like we do money, that is very significant. It seems it isn´t guaranteed by financial or material well-being, but your life situation has a big part to deal with it. If you say it´s entirely an inner state the discussion enters the field of self-help and spirituality. I´ve found a lot of truth in improving both areas, but it´s a lot to keep track of! Do you approach life with defined goals and morals, or just slow down and let life’s balance catch you? Over the summer I have been developing this philosophy. Thank you for reading and your comments. Please share url: https://eddiemill.wordpress.com/2009/08/13/happiness-theory/

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Yes we CAN! Summer Intern Thoughts

7 Aug

Eddie is so happy to be back within internet range (*internet grasp?) to be able to share about wonderful experiences and thoughts. In particular, it was 2.5 months in CoopaBuena, Costa Rica, which lies about 30 kilometers from Panama on the South side. See background post: /~/a-different-perspective-participatory-action-research/. After the fact, I’ve not only grown in a lot of personal ways (next post, a good dual purpose of this blog) but have some sound advice for organizations, researchers, and extension agents who are looking to expand to this area.
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Summer plans May 6-8: Tortuga Island, …

3 May

I’m finishing up the semester now at the School for Field Studies, Costa Rica, and looking ahead at a great summer.
See my final paper for the course, here: https://eddiemill.files.wordpress.com/dr-paper-1.doc

Summer plans
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The journey continues…

24 Jan

Starting in a few days, I will be leaving from here.

Going to a land untouched by the perils of hectic inner turmoil. From the land of privilege to the land of not enough but somehow, amazingly, contentedness. What could be a better way to spend this year? One’s life? Than to know that you are well on the path to work that will be a large part of the world. This semester puts me on par to become a master, entrepreneur, and farmer. Maybe I’ll arrive back and have funding money waiting for me. Maybe another calmer and happier year at BU before leaving. Grad school; or just assemble a team and go:: just following a path at this point, and not looking back. No matter what happens, I’m already well endowed with the resources for success.

I will be gone in total for 8 months– from February 2nd to August 31st– in Costa Rica, Central America and traveling the Andes mountains. My main method of transportation will be the motorcycle, and my main communications the internet. This is the combination of school program and farm internship through which I hope to find myself. Look for my return, I want to experience all your stories.

If you want to contact me, you can email at ::

I will also check facebook and this blog regularly, so a comment would really be a great help for me.
Thank you for your support that makes this possible. As I embark this week, you’ll be on my mind.

-Eddie Miller
Boston University