Tag Archives: CostaRica

The Next Globalization is Local:

19 Dec

Like any good Economics student, I start this article with a quote by Thomas Friedman in his definition in awkward-titled essay on “Glocalization”: “To absorb influences that naturally fit into and can enrich a culture: to resist those things that are truly alien and to compartmentalize those things that, while different, can be enjoyed and celebrated as different.” I now proceed to show the Economic justification for a more stable next generation of destructive free trade policies… [yes, it’s more than just a trend.]

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Happiness theory

15 Aug

A philosophy of happiness. My dad´s response to my left me thinking hard about said happy and what that means. If we search for happiness like we do money, that is very significant. It seems it isn´t guaranteed by financial or material well-being, but your life situation has a big part to deal with it. If you say it´s entirely an inner state the discussion enters the field of self-help and spirituality. I´ve found a lot of truth in improving both areas, but it´s a lot to keep track of! Do you approach life with defined goals and morals, or just slow down and let life’s balance catch you? Over the summer I have been developing this philosophy. Thank you for reading and your comments. Please share url: https://eddiemill.wordpress.com/2009/08/13/happiness-theory/

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Yes we CAN! Summer Intern Thoughts

7 Aug

Eddie is so happy to be back within internet range (*internet grasp?) to be able to share about wonderful experiences and thoughts. In particular, it was 2.5 months in CoopaBuena, Costa Rica, which lies about 30 kilometers from Panama on the South side. See background post: /~/a-different-perspective-participatory-action-research/. After the fact, I’ve not only grown in a lot of personal ways (next post, a good dual purpose of this blog) but have some sound advice for organizations, researchers, and extension agents who are looking to expand to this area.
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If I were an Anthropologist…

29 Jun

I would probably come study Cartago

Originally passing through for motorcycle repair, gas, and to see the church, I ended up staying the night when I met a mechanic who offered me passage for the night. What I found was a pleasant city almost devoid of alcohol or bad influence.

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The community reality

11 Jun

It is a great time to be alive and thinking about things (observing changes). Now is really a tipping point for technology, community-led social change, and world progress in an economic sense. In this post I explain some of the projects I have found myself in here, and how they fit into a bigger picture. You know Agua Buena from my last post and [this link], now here is the present situation.

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A Different Perspective: Participatory Action Research

7 Jun

Coffee Action! research…

This is the introductory post to my new place for the Summer. I am now in Coopabuena, Costa Rica… about 30 miles from the Costa Rica-Panama border. One thing I am trying to do recently is keep my writing as grounded as possible. It’s too easy to use dogmatisms and concepts and miss real life in writing. See if you notice in this history/diretions post.

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Summer plans May 6-8: Tortuga Island, …

3 May

I’m finishing up the semester now at the School for Field Studies, Costa Rica, and looking ahead at a great summer.
See my final paper for the course, here: https://eddiemill.files.wordpress.com/dr-paper-1.doc

Summer plans
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28 Apr

Check out the crazy new format! Inspired by twitter (follow me: http://twitter.com/eddiemill/), let me know what you think of it. Do you have time to read long posts?

Today’s post is about Julio, the man with the most beautiful farm in the world, my good friend and co-founder of a model farm that will change the world.
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My (intellectual) baggage was stolen!

23 Feb

I’ve been robbed, and I feel great.

The thieves took off with my bag when I had my back turned: I returned from the ticket counter to find my heart-felt green bag gone without a trace. I looked for a while that it may turn up again, but no luck. With it goes a mini laptop, 4 moleskine notebooks and datebook, a few packs of cards… etc. While nothing was too valuable, it means all of my record of being here has vanished without a trace. (And my glasses, which I do kinda need..)

After the tragedy though, I am left with an interesting sentiment. In the hazards of trying to understand everything I can here, I had gotten caught in my little books. They were a great reference for anything I needed, but now I am without the intellectual restraint- free. The eagle soars again, this time with a new worldview and only his wits to survive.

I challenge you to go for one day without one thing you take for granted. A blackberry, watch or car keys, even a ring. What’s left of the world is indeed refreshing and new again.
Look for more to come soon.
-Eddie Miller
Costa Rica

Echoing Green and Social Entrepreneurship

23 Feb

Echoing Green is a social funding fellowship competition, that gives grand prize winners a chance to make their business a reality. See the website, and info at: http://www.echoinggreen.org/.

I just turned in the second phase of this application, competing with over 300 second round entrepreneurs to reach the final phase. If selected, I would be eligible for $90,000 over two years starting this September. This comes with business consulting and a life work. For me, this would mean the farm starts while I finish college.

*a big* update that makes this possible: just met with a partner, 10 years experience establishing and maintaining an organic farm. With a mind for the possible it’s…
Julio Valverdez: <mailto=”pezotevalverde@hotmail.com”
*he has single-handedly created the ANDAR farm, the most beautiful human ecosystem and preservation center I have ever seen.
*over the past years, he has been researching and designing a finca modela integral, which will be the start for an advising and model business.

This agency for organic farming can be a model. A connection and lifeline to preserve the small farmer way of life and earn a premium with global community and good will. The location, the grant, and the manager just moved into place. Echoing green would mean that we can start construction of a dream this fall.